Better multiplayer experience

  • Improved reliability of groups - currently we see group members popping in and out of visibility (it’s not a line of sight issue - it happens on the ground with group members in adjacent parking ramps)
  • Increased/removed limit of groups - currently there seems to be a 6-person limit on groups, which prevents some larger groups from organising events (we had a 12 person flight yesterday that we were forced to do with all players)
  • Toggle-able nameplates - I fly with nameplates off except for when in groups with friends. Even then, they’re only useful to orient oneself towards others, after which they’re then a nuisance. The ability to toggle these on and off through a keybind would be very helpful in groups.
  • Name plates for group members / friends only - per Option to show player nameplates only for friends? - #6 by Spazzy - this would help reduce the amount of clutter when name plates are enabled in All Players or Live Players.

Label priority based on group, distance, similar flight level and/or same origin/dest would be awesome!
To that list I would add:

  • Add transponder details to the ND/Garmin (TACAS) screens so that you can see traffic with respect to your plane. Or at least add multiplayer traffic labels to the VFR Map (right now it only draws planes)…

Great summery! The distance of players in the nametag would be a handy thing too, those name tags have not much context atm without knowing how far away they are from you.


Would love to see some votes on this. :metal:t2:


I find it incredible that this is limited to 6 friends! I will return with P3D “humor”


I would like to increase more players in a Group, actualy only 6 players,
i hope for more mini the double …


Best regards


It is difficult to understand why the number of players in a group is limited to 6. Our team needs 10 places.
Thank you for bringing an answer to this problem quickly.


bonjour à tous
Existe-t’il une mise à jour pour une interface avec les hardwares VrInsight du type Combopanel et CDU ?

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MSFS2020 hides Players while they are in a Menu or active pause from sight. That could be the reason for them to pop in/out of sight.

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It’s not- the behavior is sporadic, and sometimes people in a group just never appear, despite them being able to see others.


I fly exclusively with friends online. We have a ton of experience flying together on FSX and even before that, and we are really hurting for some of these updates.

One thing we like to do is organize virtual airshows where we all sit at an airport together and watch each other perform. We really don’t want to deal with random players cutting through our show, so we need to be able to isolate ourselves from the public.

The groups were supposed to do this, but a limit of 6 is ridiculous and they don’t even seem to work anyway - when I’ve been in a group I have seen the same public players around me.

Then there are HUGE issues with using add-on/converted aircraft in multiplayer which cause crashes to desktop about half the time. We have to really do some crazy workarounds to get even 4 people together. It’s no fun and a lot of my friends are losing interest entirely. I can only hope that this gets fixed because I know it isn’t a super mainstream desire and therefore not much of a priority.

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It’s not the reason. We’d be flying in formation on comms and one of us would vanish from view and re-appear some time later. Sometimes we needed to change servers a couple of times to get it working.


t is difficult to understand why the number of players in a group is limited to 6. Our team needs 10 places.
Thank you for bringing an answer to this problem quickly.



Pour notre VA cela cette limitation, de participants. pose problème.
Nous serions satisfaits, je pense, avec une admission à vingt participants.
Merci de tenir compte de la remarque des utilisateurs.

F-MBLO / berloux


Ability to communicate with other player without having to use a solution outside the sim. Even a text box would help but as far as I can see no way to chat during flight.


more than 6 players…please :wink:


Good to know Im not the only one having friends disappear on mp. Also would like to see toggle for nameplates and filters. And where is the #####g shared cockpit?

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12-15 would be ideal


i translate this request : [quote=“UniformCash5872, post:14, topic:202305, full:true”]

Pour notre VA cela cette limitation, de participants. pose problème.
Nous serions satisfaits, je pense, avec une admission à vingt participants.
Merci de tenir compte de la remarque des utilisateurs.

F-MBLO / berloux

**Hi Berloux **
For our Vitual airline this limitation Guys flying do a problem …
we’r most satifyed for a number of 20 players …

Why we do a lot of PAF flying with training pilote every week and we present a lot of show with a friend and who register with camera …

And also missions over the world with a lot of players 15/ 20 in one time .

Please pay attention to the users’ remark.

Thanks for .

Best regards Bernard


We had around 12 of us on an event, so that would certainly have been sufficient. :+1:t2:

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