Group flights limit of only 6 people?

Many of us enjoy flying with friends online but a group flight is limited to only 6 people. That needs to be changed to at least 12 people! When you agree, please consider helping us to get more votes for this change request here:

Thanks for your help and please, spread the news!!


Just fly on All Players, no restrictions there:

He was talking about PRIVATE Group flights, and I would suggest that since these are becoming increasingly necessary to be PRIVATE to be able to keep “wreckers” out ( Viz, Jaynes Official Group Flights), maybe that number should be more like 64 or 128, or even 256 (Nice computer software numbers !! )

Also, while MSFS has the Concept of FRIENDS LISTS, unfortunately, these days, it also really needs the concept of IGNORE LISTS


As this subject is already in the Wishlist category, Better multiplayer experience, this thread has been closed.