Better units of measurement in pilot profile statistics

Not a terrible issue, but would love to see miles or kilometers and flight times in hours, minutes and seconds in flight histories.
Meters just seems a pretty small increment to measure, having so far traveled 9,565,256 meters would love to see that represented in how we really talk about distance.

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Move the decimal place three to the left. Voila KMs.

That’s my point. Just fix it systematically. :slight_smile:


Everything should be in nautical miles. We wouldn’t be talking knots without them


This comes into the units discussion again, and needs the option for user control to set the units.

Why are times displayed in meters and time in seconds???

Surely there are very old conversion routines that can display distances in either kilometers or miles and time in hours/minutes.

Whats the point of showing me I’ve flown for 7.9 million seconds???

And the really annoying part is they already do the conversion to show my flight time in HOURS and MINUTES on the general profile page!!!

As a former Programmer/Analyst/Coder, I know It’s a small and easy fix, Asobo. Put the new guy on it to learn your systems and procedures for submitting and implimenting changes. It’ll take no time and
boost their confidence for the next, more complicated change order.

Hehe, yeah, I found that super weird and 100% pointless. I’ve always said some of their design decisions are really weird.

I remember a junior coder I worked with once displaying the PK of a record as an identifier to a user instead of a name or description. I swear, it blew my mind. Asobo hasn’t done anything on that level but I feel some come a bit closer than I’d have thought possible on a product with such a team.

With all those silly issues I still love the sim though and recognize the great job they did with a lot of it. With some of those changes coming in, the core part of the sim is looking even better. (now if thermals and convection in storms is addressed i’d be on cloud nine!)

I’d say that the chosen statistics themselves are terrible - it’s as if someone copied some Call of Duty achievements page and tried to modify it for use in a flight simulator!

Lowest altitude flown - 0,5 m - yeah before I landed the plane reaching 0 m of altitude!
Why isn’t it the highest altitude instead??
Minimum distance to the ground without hit - how is that different from the one above? Does landing count as a ‘hit’ too?

There are 5 or more additional variations of the very same statistic. Anyone could think of many much more interesting statistics to count IMO.


My closest to ground inverted flight is 0 meters. Because I crashed and in the first month there were loads of bugs with this so it still registered. :stuck_out_tongue:
I actually have a number of statistics like this that are broken because of the bugs in the first version. Though I haven’t checked since if they reset it at some point.

But I think the lowest altitudes are aiming at areas below sea level? (not distance from ground)

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I don’t really mind these statistics or getting steam achievemnts for something I’ve never done… but I wish at least the logbook would work. It’s absolutely useless. I have more landings than takeoffs! How is that possible? I never started mid-air.

Today I’ve flown a 1 hour flight from A to B non-stop. Somehow it counted as 3 different flights, with 2 landings and 0 takeoffs. Also the flight time doesn’t work either, only about half of my actual time in the air counted for some reason. So… this whole Profile page could be deleted without any consequence.

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In the pilot’s profile the measurements are in meters and seconds. Why are they not in km and hours? When he tells me that I have flown 17,000 seconds, I keep thinking … how many hours is this?

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I also find the profile info to be ridiculous for the same reason.

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It’s common practice to store such values with a much finer resolution than is generally necessary. That the database values are exposed directly to the user is, of course, an oversight. I’m sure it’ll be fixed at some point.

Generally the team hasn’t put enough thought into the units of measurement… The aircraft loading pages suffered from LBS only, then the community asked for metric system option, and they added … Gallons option :rofl:

Not quite.

It was pounds and gallons only at first and now we also have metric units, i. e. kilograms and liters.

This is about fuel volume vs. fuel weight.

But you are right that the implementation of metric units is a bit weird because some things like wind speed get converted to metric while the altimeter will always be in inches of mercury. At least we get temperature in Celsius and not Fahrenheit. :sweat_smile:

What I mean is that it is ridiculous that distances are indicated in meters and not in km. If a distance is indicated in miles, why not indicate them in yards. Or the flight hours … or I have to call them minutes or seconds of flight.

Oh, I am so sorry. I tried to reply to MikePapa.

Yes. I agree, those number are useless. Why would they even think about doing something like that?

Dividing that to hours is a very simple change.

For anyone unsure what screen this topic is referencing, it’s this screen:

(And yes, I know that my flight hours total is lame! :stuck_out_tongue:)

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