Firstly my PC spec:- Intel i9-11900K, 32GB Ram, Asus ROG Maximus XIII Hero, Founders RTX3090, Gen 4 Corsair MP600 2TB SSD. Quest 2, Win 10. Unable to use USB Link Cable, never been able to get this PC/Win10 to recognise the USB mode Quest 2, so Airplay ONLY. I like playing FS2020 in VR, but I am not very impressed by the clarity of the scenery. It has that ‘washed-out’ look, although the cockpit and Aircraft interior are fairly sharp. If VR was as clear, sharp and smooth as Monitor mode in 4K , and Ultra settings, I would be playing VR FS2020 all the time. Obviously, I can not expect the same quality in VR, with the Quest 2 but maybe an improvement, especially with the scenery?
That is a mighty nice rig to just be running a Quest 2 imho.
It is not the quest 2 causing the scenery to be washed out. Have the same results with the HP Reverb G-2 as well. Try flying early in the day or late in the day. It does make the scenery look better. It is a FS2020 problem not hardware IMHO
You could also try the NIS patch developed by a user on the forum. Does help with the detail some but not the vibrancy you are looking for
Doesn’t do much good to request ‘Better VR’ without an example of what you are seeing now. Here is a basic setup video… Is what you see better or worse than what he see in here. Mine is very similar and very happy with the results…
A friend of mine pointed me to this video. The results are amazing! Very crisp, clear graphics with no stutters. I have a 2080. My friend has a 2070 and says it works but the results are better with a 2080. I pumped everything to the max and get 28 fps, but smooth. This is new to me, so I’ll be tweaking it until I find what works best for me. BTW, Mt VR graphics with this look as good as what you see in the vid.
Are you asking for “Quality” or “Performance” as these could be two different things.
Performance-wise, as stated above by a few folk, take a look at NIS forum post to get a few more FPS even though you have a pretty beefy rig as it is. There are multiple tutorials online for optimization of settings for a smoother, stutter-less experience.
Quality-wise, if you are just looking for better colors, try running MSFS through Virtual Desktop, as it has a bit more control over the gamma and has a bit of a different color to it, compared to Oculus.
For clarity of the picture you are limited with the Quest 2, there are higher resolution HMDs out there such as Reverb G2 or Varjo Aero, which should provide a much clearer picture and better colors.
I had a quest 2. Bought an new model Reverb 2. What a game changer!!
I would think about that.
I am so impressed now. Quest is nice but it misses the final touch.
Just my experience…
Glad you like it! See our dedicated thread: OpenXR NIS upscaling software - Release thread - #203 by whitav8
Thanks. I’ll be reading it for tips!
Can you give me a hand or link how to achieve this (running through virtual desktop)? Thank you.
I am using a Reverb1 and I can live with performance in view of my dated system, but the washed-out colors compared to the image on screen drive me nuts. Even more, as MS/AS don’t seem to be set to tackle that issue within the foreseeable future.
Thanks very much. Very impressed. I have seen the video, and my scenery is no way near the quality of the YouTube video of FS2020. So it seems I definitely need to do some tweaking. As said, in 4K and at ultra settings in monitor mode FS2020 is superb.
Thanks. With my PC spec I get both quality and performance in monitor mode, 4K , ultra settings, very smooth frame rates. I have just seen the video that ‘NormalCannon854’ asked me to watch (Quest 2), and the quality and performance are no way near that in VR on my Quest 2. So it seems I need to do some serious tweaking.
Thank you all for replies. Sorry a bit late in responding, I was away most of Boxing day. Loads of information to dwell on, and time to do some tweaking. If I can get the performance and quality of my Quest 2 from what I have seen in the videos on YouTube, I will be very happy. Just one other thing, the Volocity Copter in VR, the VR position is way out, hanging off the back of the aircraft? All other Aircraft VR position are OK, in the pilots seat. Something wrong here?
Reply to ‘Pie in the Sky Tours’ on YouTube. I tried ALL your settings for Quest 2, but there is no noticeable improvements. The VR scenery still looks dreadful, and loads of stuttering. All Oculus and Nvidia updates, PC spec 11th gen i9-11900K, 32GB Ram, RTX3090 24GB, Fast Gen4 2TB SSD, Win10. My monitor mode in 4K is superb, crisp, and smooth frames in Ultra settings. Any advice, please?
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