I have been experiencing an issue with Bing maps and Photogrammetry. When either of those is on, the game will either not load at all, or would have no ground scenery. Only once both those options are turned off, the game would return to having a scenery. I do not have any map mods installed, I have also tried reinstalling the whole game and relaunching it in it’s default state with no 3rd party mods installed. Below is a list of all the troubleshooting steps I did in order to try and fix the game:
Resetting TIN and Online Services (restarting data connection services)
Deleting manual + Rolling cache
Removing 3rd party mods
Reinstalling Gaming Services
Adding MSFS to Inbound and Outbound Rules in Windows Defender Firewall
Using a VPN
Deleting the Steam Cloud Save
Reloading Credentials and Forcing Authentication
I do have a decent internet connection, over 120 mbps, so I’m sure my internet speed is not the issue here.
I’ve already contacted MSFS support, went through all the troubleshooting but had no luck with getting a resolution. Only solution they suggested right now is to do a full PC factory reset which I want to refrain from doing as it’s quite a hassle as you can imagine (all files, logins, games etc), however they said they will not escalate my problem on because I’m the only one receiving this issue?? Anyways… below is a screenshot of my game when bing live maps are on.
Have you tried to start in safe mode ?. Once in the sim, open task manger and terminate msfs.exe. At restart you’ll get the safe mode option.
Have that issue with all airports or just some specific ones ?. Which airport is on your screenshot ?
I turned off rolling cache and launched in safe mode. The game loaded but I was immediately greeted with “your bandwidth is too low for data streaming, you have been switched to offline mode”
This is not related to the rolling of safe mode, should be a temporary issue. Wait a couple of minutes and try again. Make sure all is ON in your data setup once the sim is loaded.
Yes but I’ve tried loading in at a different airport with no addon scenery. The game will just have no scenery wherever I load if all of the online settings are turned on. It only loads when bing and photogrammetry is off, and that’s the issue I’m trying to fix but I really don’t know why that is
I’ve seen the sim look like this when turning on line function on or off while in flight. It would take a few seconds to load all the scenery even after resuming. So to me it seems like you have a connectivity issue between your computer and the server. If your system has wifi maybe try switching between Ethernet and WiFi. If no wifi maybe try a different lan port and or cable. Also you should delete your rolling cache, not just turn it off. Might try that first.
Edit. Delete rolling cache even if you don’t use it.