Black Square Analog Beechcraft Bonanza A36 / G36

A good landing technique in such small aircraft, generally but works perfectly on a dark runway, too, is to descend towards the runway and focus on the horizon or far end of the runway as usual. When you notice with your peripheral vision that the runway (the runway lights) suddenly and abruptly seems to become much wider you flare. Doesn’t work on a 5m dirt strip but you’d usually not land there at night anyway ^^ But it’s a reliable technique on a ~60ft runway. You can do that completely without any landing lights.

Am I the only one to experience state saving not working? Sometimes it works, but most of the time the plane loads as it did after installation.

If I’m the only one there must be something wrong with my setup.

my aircraft is reset when I’m ending a flight in the air, or this happend many time before when I was leaving the sim after the engine shuting down and clicking the auto “return to the menu” windows, since I turn it off this happen much less. switching server or livery have an effect too

I always use “Quit to desktop”, never change server and have no liveries installed.

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Random or configurable failures of systems and engines for one thing. That’s a huge one for me, it means you have to know your emergency procedures and properly do your checklists every time.

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Yeah it does seem a bit touch and go the state saving. The engine wear definitely saves though.

Agree – see RL GA plane Night Landing

Maybe not the best “VIDEO” – In RL with intact Night Vision, the landing lights seem to be significantly brighter.

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Nice one. I’m surprised that the recommend power setting for climb is actually 2700 RPM and 29.9 in. That’s different.

I’m going to look closely at the engine parameters during lean-of-peak operation in the game. I finally read the manual and figured out the secret click spot to put the EDM in Lean Find LOP mode. Fuel flows in game seemed a bit too low for this motor, around 10 GPH at 50 degrees LOP. I used to fly an Arrow that was set up to run LOP and it would do well at 7.8 GPH, so that doesn’t really check as the turbo Bonanza should be much much more thirsty. The AFMS you posted for the turbo states that it should be in the neighborhood of 14-16 GPH running LOP at 2300 RPM, which makes sense.

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You have to remember that many runway markings have glass beads painted into them to increase retroreflectivity, so it’s not necessarily the direct illumination of the lights alone. That said, I’ve found a nose light like in the old PA28s to be way better at illuminating than the wingtip landing lights of newer PA28s.

Thanks, that looks a lot more like night landing lighting than the sim currently does.

I have successfully created a MCRO file in FSUIPC and assigned the alternator, standby alternator, and magneto positions to the switches on my Serial Port PFC Cirrus II console. All work except for magneto position 4 to engage the starter which has been mentioned. I am looking for the lvar to switch the prop heat and hi fuel pump. I didn’t have luck with programming the mixture lever and think I might try using the hvar method utilized by the Honda Jet and see if that works for my setup.

@DrZGard Here is a script for mag start position - the way switch is coded, the animation does not ‘stick’ but returns to both automatically after a short timeout.
4·(>L:BKSQ_IgnitionPosition_1,·number) (E:SIMULATION·TIME,·seconds)·(>L:starterKnobReturnTime,·number) 1·(>K:SET_STARTER1_HELD)

Here is an AAO script for prop heat
where (L:AAO_DEICE_PROPELLER1) is mapped to (B:DEICE_PROPELLER_1) by AAO (see AAO manual for BVAR support)

Here is a script for fuel pump high
change the 2 to 1 for pump low

For the Turbo mixture lever, I used AAO to map 0 to 100 assigned to L:BKSQ_MixtureLeverPosition_1

I have reviewed a couple of the other switches like stby gyro which appear to not have animation accessible to outside control. The underlying sim control for electric vacuum can be controlled but the switch does not animate

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Some personnal mods in progress to refine even more their fantastic work!
Capture d’écran 2023-03-15 031514
Capture d’écran 2023-03-15 033918

You can also note that digit font for the number 7 has been corrected with the right shape :wink:


It’s a cool technique, but not even in VR do we have peripheral vision in the sim.

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I’m unable to download this file, has the link expired? Is anyone else able to share a copy?

It doesn‘t mean 90 degrees to the side… I land like that every time and it works well. I don‘t judge my height above the runway by looking at it, my focus is far ahead, it works almost as well in the sim as in reality.

I have a copy on my drive. AFMS-550 Rev J.pdf - Google Drive

Awesome, thanks mate :+1:

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In a Tricycle GA plane, Try glancing out the side, at the shape of the runway edge as you descend and flare.

This will give you a much better estimate of your precise height above the runway, than your view straight ahead, looks towards the far end of the runway.
Even more so in a taildragger.

Surprisingly, I could not find a really good Picture on Google to show this, but this one does partially show the side runway edge view, and looking at the runway appearing on the side of the plane, is a far better indication of your height above the runway, than the straight ahead view,


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