yep ,CDI Switch to vloc model and HSI display the offset of LOC and GS market.
but it can’t established via loc.
I am not install WT-G530 dur to may cause pms-gtn750 no working.
you can install the wt from the marketplace now since aircraft has been updated , both now work , think to update the gtn750 too, if you are cared about a bug some people had (like not bein able to click on the gtn) they (pms50) published a fix about that it s on , but on my side I have no issue
I love the BS Caravan and it is now my go to aircraft, especially for my NeoFly missions. But I am having some problems with it, no doubt due to my inexperience with this aircraft. I have lots of experience with non turbo GA aircraft. A few hundred PPL hours in RL, and a few zillion hours in the sim. The Caravan is my first real attempt to fly a Turbo.
Often, like maybe 50% of the time, I experience engine failure on takeoff. “Failures” are turned off. And yes, I have plenty of fuel, fuel selectors are both on and the fuel valve is in. Annunciators all off.
I follow the startup checklist and have the engine running for a few minutes, taxiing, etc. Then full power for takeoff but power soon fails, usually as I climb away, passing the end of the runway.
Next time (I believe I do the same things) it just flies normally all the way to my destination!
Can anyone please suggest some reason for the frequent engine failures. What else should I be checking?
Then full power for takeoff
I’m gonna guess you’re probably over-torqueing the engine. When applying take off power, make sure that you stay within the green on the torque meter (leftmost engine gauge at the top)
Oh? Yes it is quite likely I am doing just that. I try to reduce throttle when raising flaps but it certainly COULD be above the red line for a bit.
Thank you… I will watch that next time and see how it goes.
Nope. Just tried it again, this time making sure I stayed well below the red line. Failed again as I departed the airport, raising flaps a few hundred feet in the air.
Any other suggestions?
Don’t you have to reset the aircraft after having over-torqued it? You’ll keep having the engine failing otherwise.
Amigos and Flyers,
What could be the reason that sporadically the front wheel steering does not work.
I taxi, i start, i fly to my target, i land but then cant taxi anymore to the parkings because wheel does not turn?
Any ideas?
Perhaps more than one binding on your controllers for rudder pedals?
No, flying since two years with zero problems with other aircraft or the king air. happens only in the caravan. is there a front wheel disable switch or something?
are you sure you don’t activate by accident the push back at any momment ? shift + P
or have one invisible pushback service stuck below the plane ?
0 active faillure ?
I did exactly this a year or two back at KSFO. I had issued pushback, and forgotten to turn it off. I noticed while I was taxiing that control felt sluggish. When I parked, and took an external view this pushback tug rotated out from under the plane into view, like a submarine breaking the surface. I had no idea they could do that.
yeah I know this sound weird, it has happend to me a couple of time, first time I thought my mind was playing tricks on me with memory issue, I have been able to reach the runway with a second pushback, and another time when I realised what was going wrong, as the pushback spawnback while I was taking off making my plane jumping in the air
rethinking to the first time I wonder if I haven’t lost a Marshall/pushback operator somewhere while flying
No, it happens after landing. No pushback activated. Rudder goes full left and right, but the front wheel is not turning.
Plus one here. Suspect a double binding, though cant imagine where or why and I am reinforced in this view by the fact that it has happened in the Kingair as well. Interestingly, to save time, I often start the caravan by ctrl e but if you do satart cold and dark, it seems to happen much less often. Just check that the condition lever (s) are fully forward if you have been flying the KA recently.
@Ethel20092904 Wonderful job! I know this is a WIP but do you plan on correcting the font for the airspeed indicators?
I notice in this thread several mentions of a JayDee Mod to improve various flight characteristics, but when I look for it on all I see are some mods for liveries, dark panels, etc.
Is the performance mod no longer available?