Black Square Steam Gauge Overhaul - King Air 350i

Ah excellent the turbines can get damage too when flying with too much torque and ITT.

Everything looks good:

Like in a perfect good study-level plane the circuit breakers are functional:

And some instruments go black depending on which circuit breaker is out:

Ten minutes after take-off… something is not okay there. These turbines clearly don´t like TOGA thrust for too many minutes like my Fenix does :smiley: the torque is not as high as it should be:

The handbook says: Feathering.

Now that was a stupid idea all power and the suction pump for the artificial horizon failed. How is the airplane attitude I cannot see anything outside:

Ah okay well it´s a little bit difficult flying without artificial horizons and therefore today´s flight guest should better use his seat belt, and maybe he will live to see another day (but I don´t think so). At least from inside everything looks okay - and it is nice and quiet since the turbines are out.

Would bringing one propeller out of feathering state turn the generator and the suction pump for my artificial horizon… let´s see… oh too late!