from my point of view, think switching aircraft lead to GTN start issue, if it load fine, I m able to do 4 or 5 flight without issues if I don’t switch aircraft and fly them in the row, once I use another aircraft and then get back in the King air, I got more chances to face this bug (that s my quick observation after few attempt trying to identify how to replicate)
for me the easiest workaround, (if I notice boot issue) it is to change avionic 1 switch from the GTN to another GPS unit quickly, then roll back to the gtn and hold few second for its initialisation
not a deal braker since I m using a lot my mouse and it does not require any flight restart, on your end it seems bigger issue
This exactly looks like the GNS530 hot swaping issue that prevents other gauges to power on.
Be sure to install the latest GNS530 patch if you have this issue. Check the patch installation from the sim content manager.
The patch is available here: WT GNS530 Compatibility
Not all approaches activate automatically. For instance last week I was flying this route into Rome and when I got to the CMP transition, it didn’t auto-activate the approach. I was supposed to activate upon clearance (I am assuming because that holding pattern at CMP helps to order/stage the traffic) which I failed to do and it kind of screwed up my approach. because, like you, I assumed all approaches would auto-activate.
Yes, when I start the flight…IF the GTN750 appears on the instrument panel (turned off, haven’t hit Avionics Power Switch Yet), then the GTN750 will either power on immediately after turning on Avionics, or else if not I hit the avionics “chooser switch” on the right side a few times as you describe, and eventually it turns on.
But if the GTN750 doesn’t even appear on the instrument panel at flight start, then it’ll never turn on. But it’s easy enough to simply restart the flight - I haven’t done anything yet, so it’s literally a 20 second procedure. So all in all, it’s a minor inconvenience for me.
As others have said, the KA is the only BKSQ aircraft that has this issue…the PMS50 GTN750 is 100% working on the Baron/Bonanza/Caravan.
Just to clarify, when it didn’t auto-activate, did the rest of the route show up as white dotted lines? That’s the state where I’m not sure what to do next, other than hand fly the rest of the way. (Which I don’t mind, that’s half the fun of these BKSQ aircraft anyways.) But maybe select the next waypoint and click “Activate Leg”? I didn’t have time to experiment the last time this happened.
If you have dotted lines this is because you have not activated the approach and you are not using the WTT mode.
Better to install the WTT additional package when avaialble for your aircraft.
Okay, I will re-baseline all of the packages that I have for the PMS50 and the Black Square aircraft. I’m 80% sure I have them all, but I’ll make doubly sure. 'll report back.
Yeah, in the case of that Rome approach, I went into the flight plan and activated the transition (CMP) coming out of the LAT3P STAR/arrival. Here is the chart and FP for reference: This isn’t the first time I’ve had to do that and I don’t think its a bug per se. It seems to me that, were I a pilot going into that holding area, I would want the activate to be explicit.
With a GTNXi (or any Xi, really), you should be able to load the approach without activating it and it should definitely sequence into the approach after passing the first waypoint.
do you use the GNS530 WT ? I hope it s not related to one of those gauge issue, a fix is provided by pms50
if you don’t have it yet I recommend to give it a try
(boot issue of the gtn750 may persist but I haven’t heard anyone else reporting issue with gauges)
if issue persist, maybe concider to try with only the king air in the community folder to exclud mod conflict then report this to the Justflight support, maybe they are aware of an issue on this and may provide you a workaround
well today while I was trying without the enhancements mod to see if the gtn750 still fail to boot
I took the opportunity to update my gtn750 (so I m running the ver : 2.1.96 now ! )
as I think I did found a way to trigger the boot issue (switching with a G1000 aircraft ( like the TBM930) spawn it, then switch back to the KA) I faced again the boot issue, It doesn’t seem to be related to this mod.
I’ve been reading the above questions about GPS systems, but I have a somewhat different question…
So, I like to fly this plane using only the steamguage panel and basic nav (including the KNS 80). Does anyone know of a – I’ll call it a “cheat sheet” – site that lists VOR radial / distance for charted RNAV waypoints (especially in European airspace) that cannot be determined otherwise i.e. not on a VOR airway? It would be nice to use the old box to fly as per clearance in the new airspace – at least where a VOR is within range to make it work.
I have Navigraph but am not aware of a trick to do this on their charts.
An initial google search for this did not yield results for me.