Black Square Steam Gauge Overhaul - King Air 350i

It is not normal in a real plane, but in the sim the beta range is not really simulated.
Beta Range in RL is not only Reverse, but starts already before by directly reducing the prop beta (angle) up to a point, where you generate 0 thrust.

One could try to simulate it more by reducing the idle torque even further, but nevertheless, everything would be just a workaround untill, a REAL beta range simulation is implemented by Asobo.


Hi JayDee! I might have missed it… did you work with Black Square on the King Air engine model or will you be releasing one of your amazing mods for it? How about compatibility with the FTsim King Air sounds?

Thank you for all the time you spend getting your mods out for us!


After trying numerous times following the manual for referencing a default livery without any luck, I finally got them to show up but only after adding a model folder with a model.cfg. Maybe I am missing something in the manual process, but at least I got my Navy liveries working now!!

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After all the great discussion about this study-level upgrade, I’m embarrassed to ask this question.

How is the interior cabin modeled? Did the mod fix the seats that were flush to the floor? Would it be possible for someone to post a pic of the cabin arrangement?

imagine you saw a beta with a problem in texture rendering, here some screenshots I did

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Posted a similar question over in the GTN750 thread, but since this relates specifccally to the King Air mod, I’ll ask here -

Does anyone know how to get the PMS50 GTN750 to couple with the King Air’s autopilot to fly RNAV/LPV approaches? Or at least get vertical guidance to work on the HSI? I tried twice (being at the correct altitude at the FAF) and I still have a flag on the HSI and no vertical guidance. Autopilot doesn’t couple for vertical descent at all.

If anyone knows a.) if this should work and, if so b.) what procedure are you using to get it to work?

Maybe I’m just using the wrong modes on the navigator and/or autopilot.

Thanks in advance!

did u hit the key nav source to switch from gps to nav ? then approach mod, slow down your speed, he should catch it
in reality I did not tried approach yet, will give it a try later on the day and share with you my result

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Anyone else having loss of electrical power during pre-flight? Even with both generators and inverters on, eventually the cockpit eventually goes dark and battery seems to be drained. I don’t get it.

Thanks for the reply!

No, I didn’t switch from GPS to VLOC (or NAV) because this is an RNAV approach, so I would need guidance from the navigator to couple to the autopilot to fly the approach. Was on speed and on altitude at the FAF (actually before the FAF). Not sure if I was to arm APPR for this type of RNAV approach, or not. In my RW airplane, you don’t have to - if it’s an RNAV approach and you have the approach activated (or a leg on the approach activated), the autopilot will couple and fly the approach in both lateral and vertical modes… But I am not sure the correct procedure to get all this to work for an RNAV approach in the King Air with the PMS50 GTN750 + Autopilot.

Thanks again. Anyone else with a good procedure for getting this to reliably work, I’d appreciate the help. :rofl:

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When you copy the panel.cfg from the original king air analog folder, do you also need the panel.xml from that folder? And do you copy the whole contents of the panel.cfg file, or just the actual little [Vpainting01] section we’re trying to override?

I would copy the entire folder , so inclusive xml. And leave the panel.cfg full as it is.

The best solution off all would be, if a livery does not contain a panel folder, and you would disable the ID via a small mod or a seperate panel.noreg option in the addons. Let me prepare something. Otherwise this coould always lead to problems when updates occur etc.

Edit: No necessary anymore, since this is now natively integrated in the King Air Addon.

Try the following mod. Just drag and drop as usual.

To then disable the exterior reg just replace the panel= line in the aircraft.cfg of your liveries with

Panel = \ … \ … \ bksq-aircraft-analogkingair\panel.noreg


I had this happen as well. For no obvious reason. Engines kept turning but suddenly no electrical power (generators reset multiple times, inverters on).

Also, my brakes don’t work. The on-screen pedals move properly when I push my physical pedal toe brakes, but the thing doesn’t slow down. Same with parking brake - lever moves but it won’t hold the plane still. I’m suspecting an add-on conflict for me as no one else seems to be reporting this one?

Glad I’m not alone, in a way. Too bad they don’t have a discord where we can report these issues. For me the loss of electrical power seems consistent across several starts. I’m following the checklist.

Could be a conflict, yes. I’ll try with just the King Air in the community folder.

do you have many light turn ON + climate control running etc? bus tie set on triple fed ? never had such issue

Yes… after a flight…landing… shutdown… refuel… star-up…

Generators kept going off-line… then master warning = “L GEN OVHT” “R GEN OVHT”

…obviously overheated generators. Tried turning off all lighting, pitot-heat etc… see if they’d cool down.

No luck… all power went away…

I’m sure it’s user/pilot error… but I’m curious.

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Well, yes. But shouldn’t the generators be able to handle that load? I’ll try without any other addons though, perhaps there’s a conflict somewhere.

Just testing with no other addons than the TDS. I think I found the culprit. I had the props in the feather position. Checking the voltmeter, the generators were not providing power, and the battery was draining.

With props in the low position, generators are providing power, and the battery is charging.

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Good catch. I bet I did the same! It didn’t happen every time, but I didn’t have the props feathered every time either.

Now on to the non-functional brakes - makes for an exciting taxi as is!

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sometime while asking for pushback, it bug , you still got something stuck under the plane, and make unable to turn like using brake can be affected also, does the dot key or “.” / del from numpad work as intended ? maybe a mapping issue