Blackbox BN2 Islander Version 2.0 PC & Xbox Released in Marketplace

In general, this grainy look is a known issue in MSFS. See #15 on the bug list:

And this thread:

I remember that the devs said this will improve with DX12.

Thatā€™s the issue there is a HDG knob, but No DG Adjust KNOB.

Also no checklist

I wonder why they do not just fix stuff instead of thinking solely at arcade users, who knowsā€¦ same as the excessive wobbling on the runway, I never really paid much attention but also the Zentih does the same so it is again a mess created by Asobo.

@VoraciousJet the checklist is in the manual? The one build in really belong to the arcade mode on Xbox.

No Checklist (yet) Agreedā€¦ but there is a full Flight Manual available from our website
Islander Manual

Also Just the the LEFT of the directional Gyro, Opposite the HDG Knob ā€¦ is the DG Adjust knobā€¦

I can only HOPE This is aimed at Asobo and NOT AT BBS ?


I think itā€™s also aimed at Xbox users, typical derogatory comments weā€™ve come to expect.

Personally (as an avid Xbox flight simmer), I canā€™t wait to get the latest update to the Islanderā€¦ the POH that I own (yes, an Xbox user with an actual physical copy of an aircraft manual!) makes the Islander even more enjoyable, the current version handles according to the specs so Iā€™m excited to see what the latest build brings. :+1:t2:


Funny, As the only thing Xbox doesnā€™t have other than working WASM yet, is access to file structure. So no access to included manuals. Hardly ā€œArcadeā€.

Please stay on-topic.

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Just deleted and reinstalled. Checked marketplace Version (update history) and listing as 1.3.5.

So i guess V.2 hasnā€™t filtered down to us console presents :upside_down_face:

No V2 has not yet been released in the marketplace ā€¦ whether it be for CONSOLE or PC
Please be patient as it can take two weeks or more


No problem, sorry thought already was.

Obviously, no need to specify I guessed ha ha, I just came across a similar issue with some lamp post in a scenery!

@NightMercury358 were you not meant NOT to check the forum? ha ha :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: saw mod comment on the OT above.

The inbuilt checklist functionality with the ability to guide the userā€™s viewpoint (by using the assisted checklist and eye icon) is an excellent educational and learning tool for everyone.

All planes should be using this to full effect, if they are interested in helping users of all levels quickly learn and navigate a complex information environment, which is what plane cockpits are.


Saitek Multipanel suppose to work on this plane? 414/310R/Analog Caravan work without anything needed.

tried here and no success , any tips? @NightMercury358

also why i have my co-pilot sitting on the back seat? any way to remove it?

No Tips no but have a look around the forums, there are plenty of ā€œhardwareā€ related posts ā€¦

There is no copilot in the Islander, It was intended for single pilot operationā€¦
There is a ā€œPassengerā€ however who can be removed quite easily by removing the weight from that seat in your Fuel and payload screen

Bought the plane as like to support dev but just waiting on 2.1 and VR Zoom before I get around to some serious flying in the plane!

Mine works fine, though it is driven by the excellent Axis and Ohs.

Single-pilot plane, so only a copilot model. We already did the whole discussion about passengers, lets not do it again :slight_smile:

OK Agreedā€¦ lets not

What I really miss are the passengers. I know @NightMercury358 does not like static passengers, but even though not perfect, they add to the feeling that you fly with some people onboard except the copilot sitting in the back seat. SWS did it in their Kodiak, and recently Milviz / Blackbird did it in their 310R and also Flysimware did it in their C414AW. I see a trend developing :slight_smile: