Blacksquare BE58 GNS430/530 issue

Howdy folks,

I’ve recently bought the BS baron however have been running into an issue with the avionics. The cockpit displays a 750 which is completely blank and a 430 which has no CDI showing on the GPS. While I previously have had the PMS50 mod installed I have completely deleted it from the community folder and only have the working title 430/530 installed. I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction to revert the cockpit back to just the 430/530 combo.


Thanks for that, unfortunately I don’t have the TDS avionics package installed so I dont think that is the issue

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@AirflowX172 how did you get on with this issue?

My bksq-baron’s panel is looking just as you described in your post.
I found a switch panel on the co-pilot’s side of the main instrument panel that has two switches on it.
According to the manual, these are supposed to enable the user to select/customise the avionics display.
However in my case, the switch that selects the GNS530 will not move.

Did you find a way round your situation?