Bleriot XI for MSFS Released

Yes, see further up this post.
I don’t run AVG so no problems.
Suggest you temporarily turn off the AVG while you set up.

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Wow. Those magnificent men in their flying machines!
It’s not my bag but fantastic.

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Thanks, that worked. I get the impression she’s about as fast a man can walk. Fun, though!

If you try an Anzani engined version, allow about 8,000’ to get off the ground. :smiley:

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There seems to be some sort of bug, in that 200-210 lb of weight is apparently added by default in ‘STATION_2’ in the weight & balance settings, at least for me. This takes the aircraft over its max takeoff weight, and makes taking off even harder. Check the weight before you fly.


Thanks AJ, I’ll give it a try. Maybe I’ll reach 300’ this time :slight_smile:

Looking at data from my last flight recorded on TacView, it seems that the ‘realistic’ Anzani Bleriot XI needed a takeoff run of about 800 ft or so at max rated all-up weight, from grass, though I may have had a couple of knots headwind (I should check it again with no wind). The stated rate of climb (100 ft/min) seems about right, which means that the critical thing may be clearing any obstacles. At 25 kt, climbing 50 ft would require another 1,266 ft by my calculations.

Apply a bit of forward stick once you get the thing moving at a reasonable pace on the takeoff run: it accelerates noticeably faster when you get the tail up. As soon as the tail is up, relax the forward pressure, and concentrate on keeping it straight with rudder. It will lift off without needing to pull.

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Thanks. After shedding the extra 210 lbs, she seems to fly very believably considering the execrable power-loading. BTW, what is that torpedo-looking thingy in the back?

It’s an emergency sausage supply. :grinning:

Just kidding. There’s a ‘simulation manual’ provided with the Bleriot, which has a drawing labelling it as a flotation device. Presumably fitted specially for the Channel crossing.

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■■■■. You had me at " emergency sausage supply…" :joy:

I did a quick test flight of the enhanced Wing42 edition at Kitty Hawk and it flew very nicely! Definitely recommend turning off auto-mixture and managing that yourself.

Will try the more realistic version later (maybe not the skull version though!), but I already feel like it earned its purchase price. :smiley:

I can’t follow any serious ILS procedure with this aircraft, I am always under the desired glideslope. The yaw damper of the autopilot is probably not working as well. I couldn’t find any documentation about the FADEC of the Anzani version…

No seriously, this aircraft is so much fun !
It takes ages to travel with it but it is a real joy to fly. Real weather is challenging and the terrain can help you climb.
I did loops and high wing over with the Anzani R.I.P. version but there is very little room between acceptable aerobatics and over-stressing maneuvers.

I also appreciated to get the real documentation of the machine in French. :+1:


Contacted em and never heard back

Anzani landed at Miami Intl, after a flyaround on the airport, set up drone for weekly screenshot challenge

Smooth as she went with engine off, landed to standstill in 100 feet or so… damage on, :slight_smile: but it did not get logged 1, because I landed on an apron. Sometimes the Anzani is difficult to navigate, especially at low speeds it is quite dangerous… Gnome has a better balance and more rudder authority (default)


Great documentary about the man and his machine, in french & german, but worth a visit by the english speaking crowd as well:
Mit fliegender Kiste über den Kanal: Louis Blériot - Die ganze Doku | ARTE

Enthusiasts building a XI from scratch, old newsreels, interview with his grand-daughter, the oldest flyable plane in the world (1909 XI in the UK), G. Eiffels wind-tunnels and lest we forget: his channel-crossing simulated.

after watching you will appreciate Otmars MSFS-job even more !

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After watching the documentary, I bought the Bleriot. Is really very detailed and the Azani variant is difficult to fly. I would not have dared to fly it across the English Channel for any money in the world.

Combining the Bleriot with WU 14 and history:
High mountain flying & landings - Microsoft Flight Simulator / Screenshots & World Discovery - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
