Blinking clouds after patch 5

Thanks. Unfortunately that doesn’t sound so promising, and they don’t seem to understand that it is not the GPU being pushed too hard causing the issue. Unless it’s overheating, a GPU being pushed hard will just cause extremely low frame rates, not artifacts and other issues. Hopefully they’ll change their mind as more and more Zendesk reports are tracked.

I have a GTX950M which has 2GB and so meets the minimum spec. And - was working reasonably well before update 5, so I don’t buy the proposition that this is not a bug. They simply have not taken into account their commitment to the minimum spec.

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I suppose it’s possible that if they change something in the graphics settings, say with the the impending release of DX12, that those specs may need to be changed, say if more VRAM is required.

Their suggestion of lowering graphical settings seems quite reasonable to me. Nothing in the minimum specs state what graphical settings you should expect, only that it should work.

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I received the same response. Annoying since I don’t have any problem at all with performance (my card, although old, is significantly above minimum spec). Don’t want to upgrade until it’s possible to actually buy a 3080… if they confirm they’re not going to fix it I guess I’ll be searching ebay for a used 970 as a stop-gap… annoying.

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Yes, submitted 2-3 hrs after update. Recieved an initial response shortly after that.

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That makes for seven reports with the same response. Oh dear…

They certainly seemed to be leaning that way with the cockpit gauge setting updates. I don’t think I really even needed that one. But this one kind of breaks the weather, logbook, windshield effects etc. etc.

Maybe a legacy equipment mode or setting so as they determine system components they deemed minimum at launch become obselete, core systems can still function.

I have this answer from technical support:

dziękujemy za skontaktowanie się z pomocą techniczną Microsoft Flight Simulator dzisiaj.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 jest stale ulepszany i jest wysoce skalowalny, aby pasował do wszystkich rodzajów konfiguracji sprzętowych. To powiedziawszy, jeśli poprosisz o zbyt dużo swojego sprzętu, mogą wystąpić problemy, które zgłaszasz.
Ten problem dotyczy osób z kartami graficznymi o niższej specyfikacji. Radzimy obniżyć ustawienia do najniższego poziomu i sprawdzić, czy działa. Kiedy to nastąpi, powoli zwiększaj ustawienia, aż zobaczysz problemy. Niestety nie ma tutaj innego rozwiązania niż użycie symulacji na niższych ustawieniach, co w tym przypadku może być bez chmur.

The answer in my opinion is off topic. It is known that if the settings are too high, the parameters must be reduced

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Yes I agree ttomi1981…to jest ta sama odpowiedź co ktoś inny otrzymał po angielsku… Standard template który Microsoft używa jak się im nie chce włożyć wysiłku ażeby coś naprawic… wkurzające prawda… I think srducr has some sort of a workaround above I’ll try later today.

Do what I did. I made a “Warning” video about this and put it up on YouTube. Maybe it will keep some other person with a GTX770 (meets minimum PUBLISHED system requirements). It just doesn’t work after It’s kinda like bait and switch!


The response I got from support essentially says "even if your card meets minimum system requirements, the game may outgrow it. Made me so angry I made and posted a 4 minute YouTube video warning people that published minimum system requirements don’t really mean anything. My system worked fine for 10 weeks… Until!

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What is worrying is what’s next? Who knows what graphics cards will be deemed to redundant or obsolete in next release? Personally I am a bit fed up with all the changes and uncertainness and am going back to something that actually works…


Behind second answer from zendesk:

Hi Tom,

This is not a mistake, it is an improvement to the cloud system that lower end video cards are having issues with. The GTX960m is on the lower end of specifications, then you might have to use the simulation on the lower end of settings, which again in this case might have to be without clouds.

Kind regards,
Microsoft Flight Simulator Support Team

Tom Paj

Nov 2, 2020, 21:02 GMT+1

My graphics card is gtx960m I think it meets the minimum requirements.
Before patch 5 was released, everything was fine. The clouds were working. Clouds are flashing after patch 5 update. Reducing the settings has no effect on this. This is some mistake.

best regards


I think my gtx960m graphics card has already been written off. Rather, I will not be able to play.
At the beginning I bought a gamepass for a trial and everything worked, so I bought the full version. It pisses me off

This is definitely a topic for the next Dev QA.

I don’t even feel like I’m playing this game anymore. I feel like I’m playing a game of “LET’S FIX THE NEXT PROBLEM THAT ARISES FROM A FORCED UPDATE”? lol.

I somehow managed to get my game running smoothly for a few weeks only for another broken update to ruin it…


I have NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960m and same problem , before update ewerything ok

I have already complained to Asobo. The minimum requirement is a GTX 770, which they can’t invalidate shortly after release. I have a GTX1070. When is it invalid? With Patch7 or sometime mid 2021? That is not possible. I have nothing against an upgrade, but please keep it within a manageable range (possibly 12 weeks) and give us notice in time. Who knows which GPUs or even CPUs will soon be obsolete?

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