Blocky and Squared out Trees around airports


Is anyone else having issues with some trees around airports being very square and blocky looking? I’m currently at a gate in KBUR and the trees on the approach end of runway 26 are showing like blocks or rocks.

Yes, I see these too. They are trees created by the AI photogrammetry. You see these “block-trees” everywhere in the world.

Another example at the airport of the AI failing to correctly interpret the ground image, are these things near the start of Rwy 15:

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Annoying to say the least - my biggest issue right now is KDFW. Do you have blurry textures on Runway 35C for example? Terrain isn’t even and when the aircraft hits it - it causes it to go crazy and flies out of control. I wish FSDT had their scenery for DFW ready. I have tried everything to fix it and the only thing I can do is turn off the photogrammetry.

Hi @Merc2012fly ,
No, my textures are fine at KDFW. You can view some of my screenshots of this airport, though none are specifically of that runway

I have that same blurry texture and uneven terrain at KDFW 35C:

See existing bug report for those issues:

Blocky trees are remnants of the old PG tech and till now have only been editable by hand which of course is very laborious and thus extensive editing tends to be limited to major city centres only. Such anomolies at PG surrounded airports won’t get attention unless reported and even then Asobo’s scenery crew probably have bigger fish to fry.

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I’d be surprised if any future PG tech is able to give much different representation of an object with such a complex geometry as a tree.