Lego House - Screenshot by ArcanePython931
If you missed Dev Q&A: Part 1 or the SDK Q&A last week, you can now view them on Youtube here. Our biggest Q&A yet is next Wednesday, June 30th at 10:30am PDT as we meet with the devs for Part 2 - Xbox/PC Improvements and Updates! We can’t wait to meet with you and answer some of the questions we’ve seen floating around the community.
Our next flighting opportunity is beginning soon through the Xbox Insider Hub. Exact timing and details are being finalized, but you should expect a post from us soon with details on what our goals are, who will be invited to participate, and more.
- The MSFS team
Click here for the web-friendly version.
Click here for the web-friendly version.
- Thank you very much for your engagement with the SDK DevSupport platform! Over 220 active users on, are already sharing ideas and helping each other, which is great to see. We know some of you struggle with validating your email which seems to get lost … we are investigating this issue.
Dev Mode
- We fixed a crash that could happen when reloading assets.
In the Project Editor:
- We now prevent generated airport package names from containing illegal characters.
- We’re making some changes on the different wizards, in order to define the package’s name after the definition of the assets (ie: after choosing an ICAO for an airport).
In the Scenery Editor:
- We fixed a crash that could happen when reloading jetways.
- We removed the ghost objects that could remain after loading a project.
In the FX Editor:
- We fixed the focus that would reset when editing a node in the nodegraph.
- We fixed a crash when opening Item
sTree without having selected an node in the nodegraph. - We fixed a crash that could happen when closing the sim while FX were playing.
- We now expose the particles’ color.
3rd Party Update
As of 06/19, we have now approved 199 (+2) third parties into the in-sim marketplace and – so far 108 (+2) have released 459 products (+24).
This week, many of us were delighted to try PMDG’s DC-6 … it’s an awesome plane. Great job by the team!
In total, 1,079 products (+16) have already been released in 3rd party stores and the in-sim marketplace. Beyond that, another 347 products (-3) from 3rd party developers are in production (215 announced, 132 unannounced). In total, over 1,426 3rd party products (+14) are either released or are in development.
899 airports (+12) are either released or are in various stages of development.
- 685 airports (+12) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
- 384 airports (+20) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
- 104 airports (+1) beyond the released airports have been announced.
- 110 airports (-2) are not announced, but the dev let us know that an airport is in production.
167 aircraft (+1) are either released or are in various stages of development.
- 50 aircraft (+1) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
- 29 aircraft (+1) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
- 95 aircraft (-1) beyond the released aircraft have been announced.
- 22 aircraft (+1) are not announced, but the dev let us know that an aircraft is in production.
322 sceneries (+0) are either released or are in various stages of development.
- 306 sceneries (+2) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
- 29 sceneries (+2) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
- 16 sceneries (-2) beyond the released scenery have been announced.
Mission Packs:
38 mission packs (+1) are either released or are in various stages of development.
- 38 mission packs (+1) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
- 4 mission packs (+0) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
- 0 mission packs (+0) beyond the released missions have been announced.
Today there are 7 new products and 18 updated products in the Marketplace.
Check out our upcoming streams! Follow our Twitch channel here.
Join us on June 30th, 2021 at 10:30 am PDT for our next Live Developer Q&A stream as we answer questions about the upcoming Xbox and PC improvements!
A time-lapse of the latest landing challenge in Ísafjörður, Iceland:
We Love VFR - Region 2, developed by PuffinFlight, was released this week.
As quoted from the download page, “We Love VFR is a free add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator that adds thousands of new VFR-friendly objects. In this beta version, you get communication, radio, and tv antennas, chimneys, radar domes, construction cranes, and satellite/radio telescope dishes. I have plans for many, many more.”
Here is a link to the first We Love VFR - Region 1, if interested!
This past week we challenged you to take a screenshot of “The Nordics”. The winner is featured above. Below are our runner up choices! This week’s Screenshot Challenge: Rivers
Last challenge’s Finalists:
Screenshot by ScenicAtol3300
Screenshot by YusufWardana
Screenshot by Perretoso
Screenshot by Gebetho
Screenshot by Wh1te506
Screenshot by canuck695
Screenshot by FTLG1174
Screenshot by Voyager4871
Screenshot by OldpondGL
Screenshot by Jannik207
Microsoft Flight Simulator Team