Screenshot by ValTrust
It’s officially fall in the Northern Hemisphere! Stay tuned for our next live Development Q&A on September 29th at 10:30am PT at Twitch.
- The MSFS team
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Click here for the web-friendly version. To learn more about Accessibility in Microsoft Flight Simulator, click here.
SU = Sim Update (6, 7, etc.) WU = World Update
ASAP = As Soon as Possible TBD =To Be Determined
Several Releases = Fixes will come over a series of updates
Ongoing Fixes = An item we will continually be working on
Planned = Scheduled to be worked on
Under Investigation = The team is currently looking into this issue
Not Planned = We will likely not work on this
Not Started = We have not begun investigation on this yet
Started = Development work as started on this item
Click here to see our Known Issues list. This week we announced new tags that we’ll start using in the forums to help provide clearer visibility o known issues, workarounds, and logged bugs. To read more about this, click here.
- As we announced last week, we’ve prepared a list of things you’ll need to check before Sim Update VI if you’ve been creating visual effects with the Visual Effects Editor Beta. They are all listed in a sticky article on top of your DevSupport platform:
Dev Mode
We added a new feature to the Statistic Profiler, to add new LOD limits related statistics. In a few months, we will communicate the change of behavior related to LODs.
We changed the behavior of the DevMode windows. By default, they are transparent when floating and opaque when docked on the sides of the screen. And you can decide via an option in the DevMode menu to have them “Always opaque”, “Always transparent”, or “By default” as described previously described.
Project Editor
- We fixed a crash that could happen when cleaning an already clean package.
- We added a “Save as” action.
- We added an auto-save function on project/package/asset group creation.
Scenery Editor
- We added tiling, rotation, coloration, falloff and opacity for materials applied to polygons.
- We added flipUV and offsetUV for aprons.
- We added the edition of car parking.
- We fixed a bug on projected meshes. They can now be selected by clicking on them in the viewport.
- We fixed the culling of polygons.
- We fixed a bug which made some items of an airport look pink when far away.
- We fixed the SimObject bounding box (not 100% perfect yet but better).
- We fixed the ground merging parameters when the airport is between two tiles.
- We fixed the runway that didn’t exclude the buildings.
- We removed the Color Extractor as it didn’t work and we don’t currently have plans to improve it.
Script Editor
- We fixed the SimObject window.
- We fixed the fact that the editor wouldn’t close when a modification hadn’t been saved.
Visual Effects Editor
- We removed “Data” and “Edition” tabs in the node graph inspector. Instead, we now always display regular data as edition data does not contain anything worth displaying after unused Enabled and Visible options have been removed.
- We removed “Add…” drag and drop button to create new ObjectReferences in node graphs.
- We now prevent the creation of links in the node graph from the output of a node to the input of an upstream node.
As of 09/19, we have now approved 219 (+1) third parties into the in-sim marketplace and – so far 117 (+0) have released 537 products on PC (+32) and 115 on Xbox (+11).
In total, 1,330 products (+20) have already been released in 3rd party stores and the in-sim marketplace. Beyond that, another 372 products (+5) from 3rd party developers are in production (235 announced, 137 unannounced). In total, over 1,701 3rd party products (+24) are either released or are in development.
1072 airports (+15) are either released or are in various stages of development.
- 848 airports (+10) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
- 436 airports (+1) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
- 111 airports (+3) beyond the released airports have been announced.
- 113 airports (+2) are not announced, but the dev let us know that an airport is in production.
202 aircraft (+1) are either released or are in various stages of development.
- 69 aircraft (+2) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
- 42 aircraft (+1) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
- 110 aircraft (-1) beyond the released aircraft have been announced.
- 23 aircraft (+0) are not announced, but the dev let us know that an aircraft is in production.
385 sceneries (+7) are either released or are in various stages of development.
- 371 sceneries (+7) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
- 37 sceneries (+0) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
- 14 sceneries (+0) beyond the released scenery have been announced.
Mission Packs:
42 mission packs (+1) are either released or are in various stages of development.
- 42 mission packs (+1) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
- 4 mission packs (+0) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
- 0 mission packs (+0) beyond the released missions have been announced.
There are 10 new products (1 on PC, 9 on Xbox), and 18 updated products (17 on PC, 1 on Xbox) in the Marketplace today.
New on Xbox (Already on PC)
New on Xbox (Already on PC)
New on Xbox (Already on PC)
New on Xbox (Already on PC)
New on Xbox (Already on PC)
New on Xbox (Already on PC)
New on Xbox (Already on PC)
New on PC and Xbox
New on Xbox (Already on PC)
Updated on PC and Xbox
Updated on PC
Updated on PC
Updated on PC
Updated on PC
Updated on PC
Updated on PC
Updated on PC
Updated on PC
Updated on PC
Updated on PC
Updated on PC
Updated on PC
Updated on PC
Updated on PC
Updated on PC
Updated on PC
We stream weekly on!
Join us next Wednesday, September 29th for our Dev Q&A at 10:30 am PT (1730Z), followed by Flying Lessons on the C172 with ForderLearnToFly at 2pm PT (2100Z).
In last week’s Development Update, we showed you the new freeware Brisbane River Run aerial race course from Orbx. In this video, YouTuber Into The Blue Simulations showcases his attempt to clear the course in an Extra 330 LT.
From 3rd Party Developer NZA Simulations, here’s a freeware release of New Zealand’s Raglan Aerodrom (NZRA) and the surrounding area. This mod contains over 3,800 hand-placed objects and more than 50 unique art assets. Located on New Zealand’s North Island, Raglan is a picturesque getaway town popular with surfers, boaters, and pilots of amphibious airplanes. You can find more details about this mod, including a link containing download and installation instructions, at this thread in the MSFS forums. The developers have also released a video trailer for their addon you can watch at the following link:
You can now submit your screenshot via Twitter with #MSFSchallenge or the Weekly Forum Post! This week’s screenshot challenge: Germany, Austria, Switzerland.
This past week our Screenshot Challenge was Ecosystems - Temperate Forests! Here are our runner ups this week:
Screenshot by ArcanePython93
Screenshot by FrostyMcRockin
Screenshot by Paddock720
Screenshot by zkdos
Screenshot by MiniGolf3388757
Screenshot by Quaarli
Screenshot by SnagglePss68
Screenshot by BritishAvgeek
Screenshot by UNCS_frostbite
Screenshot by Filippo20032222
Microsoft Flight Simulator Team