Blurry textures in distance

nothing to say . The AA is changed again.

Last thing we want Asobo to do is change something that has already been fixed maybe try increasing the rendering to 150 or higher.

I play in 160 sclaling , now it is low

Ah cannot help you there further.4k tvs going cheap in some places check might help you out

Okay, final comment from me, a bit “tongue in cheek”.

Have you ever actually looked out of the windows from an actual aeroplane? From my days as a pilot the scenery is pretty well as I remember it!


Epic the downgrade again. why???

i play in 160 scaling and looks horrible

Not sure if rendering scale would help you there.That’s look like low res Bing imagery.

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Thanks but i have maps bing ON and a i reset all settings. Nothing the game downgrade again.

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Having Bing maps on have nothing do with the resolution and for sure it doesn’t look like that in real life.That looks like ZL16.Maybe getting higher res Bing imagery might help.

I don’t know what are you talking about. It’s not user-related issue. Your sim looks same, but if you have higher resolution, there’s chance you might not notice. For example post screenshot of your sim while looking at distance from 10k altitude, it will look same :wink:

I agree. I am now getting a shimmer effect on horizon that was not there before the patch process started. I have a 4k tv and a new pc on the way that will allow me to run high res. I am hoping that will fix it.

Any update here guys? I have sumbitted bug report, which was closed after a few days as “Solved” without any other commentary

I have tried to fly sim this day, see screenshot:

This screen was taken on ULTRA setting, but textures in distance are super-blurry (look at the “town” (I mean grey - flat thing by lake))

Buildings and trees are loading around 1km radius around the plane
 I literally had to flown into the town for load it’s objects.

I do not expect real-life draw distance, but I’d like to have same draw distance sim had when it was released. I remember one day, when draw distance used to be normal, I have switched to low setting - what I have seen was very similar what I see now (talking about LOD radius) and yes, I have switched back to high again.

Same same
 mine looks like this.

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i have this problem until now

I was wondering whether more people had this. My textures looked blurry as heck at a distance. I should not have this much trouble finding a runway 5 miles away from me. Check out these mountains 060 from LSZC airport. Absolute papier-mùché!

Also, is anyone else experiencing these lovely patches of water just stuck onto the side of a mountain?

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As far as I remember, making blurry textures was already in FSX, if I am not mistaken, one could change one setting from the .cfg file(can’t remember the file name), and could increase the distance for the blurriness.

I guess the reason for that is the less blurry, the more performance consumption. I imagine Microsoft and Asobo wouldn’t want only for people having superior hardware system to play the game,so they reduce the quality of the textures in distance as a way of optimizing the performance or something.

Textures in distance look worse with every update. Despite the ultra settings or high end configurations. Developers are not able to optimize the simulator in the proper manner and with quality so they are downgrading the visual quality to gain smooth game play. I paid for good looking and promising simulator but all I see above FL200 now is blurry and lo-res ground textures. Awful. They will not fix it. They do not even admit this issue. All you can do is - DO NOT ZOOM :slight_smile:

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True that. I always fly with A320 and mostly above 30000ft, whenever I pass over a city I sometimes zoom a bit to see the city design or something, but then I remember the blurry textures and reset my camera back to cockpit immediately :smiley:

Or, you can zoom OUT the default cockpit views and move camera closer to the panels. You will increase POV but when you zoom IN it will not look so bad :slight_smile:

Oh, blurry textures are a thing, but this is definitely not normal, this seems like an internet streaming issue, what connection do you have?