[BMWorld+AmSim] - KPHX Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport

Ill wait for an update before I consider buying it, it seems unfinished and rushed from the pictures. I know flightbeam is making a KPHX I’m kinda holding out for that one. I like the other flightbeam sceneries I own so far.

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Just got an update for this via the Orbx app…no notes as to what has been changed. Dropped in quick and at least the Southwest logos on the north gates have been removed…

Parking around FBO Swift and Cutter

Still trying to get the 3 parking spaces at the East Holding Bay. I put in a second request.

I still get a bit of shimmering at dawn to dusk

I get two taxi lines on taxiway H and I believe taxiway F It’s like the default is showing through. I haven’t looked at the north side yet. I would like to see more ga parking with compass readings with parking I.E. N parking, E parking. It would bee nice if all these new sceneries would do that, then you could get closer to where you want to park.

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The new KPHX scenery is an absolute stutter fest. Anyone else having this problem? I have a 10900F with a 3080 32gb ram.


Its known to be poorly optimised, yes.


To say the least. I am sure when FlightBeam Releases their KPHX it should be way better. Until then…stutter on…

Yep, lets hope it doesnt take too long. But Flightbeam is known for great quality and good optimisation. :slight_smile:

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I have an average setup (Ryzen 7 5800x and 3060 Ti) and the performance is about the same as my other payware airports. I too was anxiously awaiting Flightbeam’s KPHX (for over a year now), and I don’t regret purchasing this one at all. I probably won’t buy the Flightbeam version if and when it ever comes out. For those of you who are still waiting on it, I wish you luck. Hopefully you won’t be waiting for another year or two.

Same here. Been waiting for flightbeams version for a long time. This one does the job and I don’t have any performance issues but my setup is far from average.

In a short answer from Mir for another simmer on Flightbeam Facebook few days ago, when was asked about KMSP and KPHX, he has just said: “Do not worry, they are coming”, though no more details on when or how long we have to wait…

I have also thought like you, must be in Q3 or Q4 2023 for the soonest, since probably KSFO would be the first of three US major airports in release queue.

I wish they hadn’t gotten rid of so many GA parking places.

Same here. Basically a slide show for me but as soon as my wheels leave the ground I magically get all the FPS back up. No other payware airport has done this too me.

Still love the airport though hahah. Hope optimization will maybe come later?


I am getting very low fps with it, down to 10 fps at some points. I have many larger scenery’s downloaded as well and never have had issues. Any ideas? Having the same issues? I’m running a rtx 3080, i9 12700.


Same thing with me…it’s a slide show at the gate and then taxiing isn’t to bad 28-32fps but sometimes it dips to 9 fps. Then takeofff and climbout are in the 40 plus range. No clue.


I’ve had the double gate issue too. Also, I can’t get Terminal 2 to appear no matter what I try. All I see are the jetbridges.

Almost un usable today frame rate is terrible. Still missing a bunch of GA parking
How do we get support?

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This airport performs very well for me and my rig is nothing special (i9-10980 + RTX 2080)

I’m getting 9 to 10 fps and it freezes up for 5-10sec at a time while I’m on the ground.

My Rig

Processor Intel(R) Core™ i7-9700K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz
Installed RAM 32.0 GB
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
SanDisk SSD G5

Edition Windows 11 Pro
Version 22H2
Installed on ‎10/‎28/‎2022
OS build 22623.1325
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22634.1000.0

NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 Super with 8g memory
Driver 528.02
G Sync Monitor: Dell 27 Gaming Monitor - S2721DGF
HP Reverb G2

Honeycomb Alpha & Bravo
Thrustmaster TPR Pedals

Internet Speed
230.9 Mbps download
32.5 Mbps upload