Just announced in the MSFS Dev Stream!
Aeroplane Heaven & Microsoft will be releasing the Boeing 707-320C as Famous Flyer 10 on July 2, 2024!
Just announced in the MSFS Dev Stream!
Aeroplane Heaven & Microsoft will be releasing the Boeing 707-320C as Famous Flyer 10 on July 2, 2024!
Not excited about the fact that it’s AH. They have an ever-lowering reputation with the community due to extremely buggy, inaccurate depictions of aircraft, as well as an unwillingness to fix issues in a timely matter or at all. The infamous Boeing 307 is from them.
Yeah their reputation hasn’t been received well in MSFS. I’m almost thinking this 707 had something to do with that. In the stream they mentioned that they’ve been working on it over the last year if not longer. Maybe they where all hands on deck for the 707 to be released in July, but that is just my thought. Other than that I was starting to think we would never see a classic 707 unless CS did one. So we will see how this turns out…
Oh no, oh no!
Such a fantastic plane as the 707. This will be a major disaster and I hope to be wrong about it.
When they do warbirds and smaller planes they do a very good job for some people, not so good for some others but in the 307 AKA: Stratodisaster we can all agree it was not good.
And the worst thing is they won’t fix or improve their products.
So what I expect is a nice looking plane, with many missing systems, inaccurate flight model and a ton of errors and things that should work differently. Then somebody in the community will try to fix those issues and we might get something decent.
Paging @NixonRedgrave - are you ready for a new project?
there better NOT be a single electronic device in that cockpit!
all mechanical steam gauges please!
They will almost certainly throw in a GNS530 option.
Great so another classic plane I love to be half â– â– â– â– â– . AH keep ruining planes I love and ruining the chances another dev will do it properly. Sigh.
I will reserve my judgement until I see it for myself. Used to work on 707s back in the '70s and '80s.
Hope that they can come up with the unique sounds of those JT-3D or JT-4 engines.
I, quite literally, laughed out loud.
Thing is this makes it all the more unlikely (as in very very unlikely) that we will ever get a higher fidelity version of the 707 from another 3rd party developer. That’s the real downside for me. A real shame.
To be fair: they recently patched the P-51D and did some work to fix issues with the P-47D. Also the Hurricane isn’t half bad.
Maybe they are getting their stuff together finally.
When it comes to AH planes, the simpler the better. They can make some nice single-engine prop stuff. Anything more complex than that is a mess that, best-case, has to be “fixed” by extensive modding from paying customers.
Terrible choice of developer for this project. No skin off my back because it’s not the type of plane I am interested in anyway, but I know many others would want a high-fidelity (or at least medium-fidelity) rendition of this historically important type and I am disappointed for them.
I’ve been wanting a 707 for a long time, but I am not overly confident in AH. I certainly hope that they are going to prove me wrong and that this turns out to be a great product, but we shall see.
i will buy it, I’m quite excited by this, while AH are not perfect most of my purchases from them i enjoy tbh you lot just put down any company be it Carenado, Inibuilds, Dcdesigns, Lvfr, Hans Hartman and even PMDG so it makes no difference
I didn’t have to spend 7 days a week for a month learning the SDK, learning Reverse Polish Notation, reverse engineering someone else’s code, and writing to the Smithsonian and Boeing Historical Services for information on an aircraft to fix any of the purchases I’ve made from any of those companies — not even close.
You build an extensive mod for an aircraft you waited nearly a year for the seller/developer to fix and let me know if you’re justified in any complaints against said reseller/developer.
I guess you’re talking the Stratoliner? i fly it great without your mod, ( also fly their DC3 fine too ) it isn’t perfect and AH do have issues with documentation and i cant work out why they cant do swap out avionics . But your mod is lets face it for someone who counts rivets ( that will cause a response im sure but it is true) not for the casual simmer and that’s great that you managed to do that and for those that wanted more detail but as i have often said not everyone wants study level or deep systems depth. as a casual plane it works fine . lets hope though the 707 is decent.
But every company creating for MSFS has taken a beating at some point it is rather tiresome
Cool. This is a big one, both the plane and its place in history. Been missing out on this. Glad the releases are going back to well known important planes.
Hope there is an Air Force One variant
I think you can have an alternate opinion or viewpoint without being insulting about it.
I fixed a massive number of bugs and addressed a number of basic shortcomings. The aircraft was the first pressurized commercial airline of any real note and the pressurization system didn’t even work.
I didn’t complain about the inaccuracies of the rivets. I, essentially, tried to just bring the aircraft up to a basic level befitting of its design.
It has no major systems depth as a result of my mod other than functioning as it was basically designed.
It’s a shame you feel the need to be insulting to elevate your point of view. If you feel AH’s offerings are totally fine then please just state that rather than referring to the rest of us as “you lot” and/or rivet counters. That just isn’t necessary.
You do some really excellent work here and I respect your opinions highly - I would love to be able to get your 307 Stratoliner mod because I made a mistake with this one - it wasn’t up to scratch and I’ve uninstalled it.
For me personally I go for the feeling of a good flight model - I’m not a pilot so it’s very subjective- but there aren’t many devs who give me aircraft that give me that feeling. The ones that have done this most for me are Inibuilds, PMDG, Just Flight, FS Reborn, Simworks…
I don’t care about a few things that aren’t right if I feel I’m flying for real.
Now the 707 is a real pilot’s aeroplane - I knew personally some of the “old sweats” who spent many hours flying this Boeing transatlantic and transcontinental routes - pax and freight. So my expectations may already be too high? I want excellence in terms of the feel - but I’d also like to fly one in MSFS- very much!