Boeing 737MAX engine and avionics shut down during flight XBOX

Like the title states…i could of just taken off in the 737MAX or on final approach to landing,and all of a sudden,avionic screens switch off/go blank. Or avionics switch off along with the rest of the aircraft,full switch off in flight. I dont know whats happening. I use AI autopilot start up from the ingame toolbar,and then take manual control for take off. I use AI during flight,Rnav,Vnav etc,and on ils landing i take control manually at about 1,000ft from landing. This issue could happen randomly from when iv started the plane to landing. Im using controller and mouse also. Am i doing something wrong? Any help is much appreciated!

Lots of topics / threads on this if you search around. I don’t believe a root cause / fix has been determined yet.

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Thank you for reply,ill dig deeper for an answer or solution. Been looking all day for an answer online. No luck as of yet,but thank you

There has been an ongoing issue for those on the Xbox console with black avionics screens and then CTD.

There is a test build out that transmits data to the developers to help find the cause; if you want to participate:

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And what exactly max addon???

MAX addons? Its just the 737 max for €20 on the msfs store. No addon’s to the plane

aaah that one with very poor rating?

no other comment then, sry… I see that 737 max also as addon to sim, correct? No update to any plane…

No…no update to any planes,all are “UP TO DATE” i guess ill just have to wait for a fix or patch i guess…