Bonanza G36 Turbo Mod Available

You forgot to mention that the copy of the Asobo file is Read only, so the merge that you mentioned does not happen unless you do further work, since I am not crazy about the turbo, I will stay with the non-turbo

Amazing MOD. So is it true ASOBO actually put simulated turublence & Oscillation that are non-weather related? That’s just crazy.

thanks again for this.

I did not have any issue with read-only files on my MS store version : of course you may have a different result with the Steam (or DVD) version, I had no way to check this so sorry if this is the case.

Yes. There are disturbances that are added to all the stock aircraft just to make it feel “not on rails”.

Although I followed your instructions to the T, and after solving the “Read only” file problem (MS Store), the Mod did not work, so much that the G36 was missing from the line up altogether, after boot. I did not do the Honeycomb fix. What manually (ewww) means? Why so cryptic? Can you actually show how the planes show in the main menu of the simm? Do they show as a different Livery under one name?..

Sorry I pester you so much, but I worked your instructions out finally, but it was’nt until I went to the original source by Kaosfere, that I understood the problem. He said download this modified layout.json file , you said " * Regenerate the layout.json file in the Bonanza-Turbo-V2 directory either manually (ewww) or using MSFSLayoutGenerator.exe. ([ ]" and that is dificult to understand. Lots of people do not know how to work this program, is easy but not obvious. Anyway combining Kaosfere instructions with yours it worked. Maybe the regeneration of the layout.json file could be explained in more detail. Thank you anyway for the Mod.

The layout.json is a simple catalog that has to reflect the size and date of files in the mod, that’s why you could not use kaosfere’s file again. Can it be created manually ? Yes, but that’s as much fun as watching grass grow, and there is a 99% chance that you’ll make a mistake and the mod won’t load, so I only meant “eww” = bad idea, don’t do it that way. :slightly_smiling_face:
True, it’s not a user-friendly procedure, but I was only trying to share a quick fix that did work for me; as I am neither a part of the mods teams or a native english speaker, my intent was not to do a full-blown manual.
Anyway, glad you could make it work ! Both G36 are great. Have fun. And thanks again to Robert, FrettFS (G36 mod), Kaosfere (G1000 mod) and everyone in their teams.

Can someone please do this repaint?

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Funny you say that about the layout.json file, I use the one from Kaosfere with all the new updates of V2, and that link was for V1, I did not modified it, but still worked, I"ll try the MSFSLayoutGenerator next. Thanks anyway for the input, now I know what (ewww) means, must be a “millennial” talk,lol.

Need’s rebuild to work on the latest releases, it’s totally broken.

I just thought I would ask what is broken about it. Reason why I’m asking is because I loaded it up and did a flight shortly after the latest Microsoft patch 1.10.7. And everything seems to be working fine, that I can tell. I’m curious to know what problems you’re having so I know what to look for. Cheers Dion Youtube: #dionm01

I got no problems what so ever too
Works like a charme just like before the Patch with no problems

No problems here either.

Gonna pull her out of the hangar right now and take her up for a spin


Update: just landed KRNO from KPRB. Beautiful evening to fly, and absolutely no issues at all.


I think only the liveries have been affected by the latest MSFS update.

Yes I have seemed to have lost the liveries too!

The Bonanza Turbo is a very nice mod indeed.
The only problem I see is that now it is no longer compatible with FSEconomy.
Is there a way to have the modded version and the default version available at the same time?

V3 of the mod is out GitHub - roblenvic/Bonanza-Turbo: Turbo Engine, Lighting mods and Custom Flight Model


Thanks PhantomStreak. I’ll try it out.

Heck with the repaint, can someone add the tip-tanks. :heart_eyes: