Bonanza G36 Turbo Mod Available

Does this aircraft have a Turbine Intake Temperature gauge?

It is if you only have the modded version.

Maybe no tanks but as you know, maybe speed brakes.

I’m noticing that with the 0.3 release the nose lifts and the plane takes off withot rotation during takeoff at about 63kts with standard TO flaps.

I haven’t seen this with previous versions of the mod so is this correct behaviour ?

– Forget that - the plane is loading with Nose Up pitch trim so no wonder it wants to take to thd skies :slight_smile:

I really like this job, it brings a lot to the gameplay. Unfortunately as in the basic version a real problem on the defrost which does not work (at home).
A very good job which brings a lot to the community.
In these moments so difficult of the covid a little escape does not harm.
Thanks again to the developer.

Very strange. When I load the plane, the trim is neutral just like in the base Asobo G36. Also, just FYI, the normal takeoff procedure with the G36 is with no flaps. T/O flaps are apparently used for a short field takeoff.

Exactly what was broken? Changed the livery, then took it for a flight, was able to climb, descend, do a touch and go and then an autopilot climb and level off, then lean mixture for cruise. Not much broken I could see. Are you sure you are using version 3?

I indeed had v3 installed, I loaded up a flight and my displays were dead. I didn’t attempt flying it given that I had no displays. I’ll give it another try real quick.

EDIT And it’s working. Huh, I’ll edit my reply.

After an update j always remove all mods, then do flight in a std MSFS aircraft. Afted that I load my mods and see if they work. I think MSFS likes a clean community folder the first time it runs after an update.

Oddly enough I installed v3 after the update. I don’t run any aircraft mods aside from this and the fbw 320 mod so Usually just a restart of the sim after the update is good enough to avoid any community folder issues.

Is it working well this v3 with new patch content?

Yes. I’ve flown a few flights with it since the patch. No problems at all.

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It’s not actually all that crazy… there is no way they are modeling turbulence to the detail that actually exists, so a randomized turbulence added would approximate real flying. The trick is getting it “right”, and, yeah, it would be nice if it was linked to the weather in some way. Certainly, you can create a table of randomization seeds based on real weather phenomena for typical conditions. It would also be nice if they were able to create air flows based on what’s on the ground underneath and clouds overhead, and control strength based on ambient temperature and some other turbulence terms perhaps. In fact, I think I remember someone saying they do do that, like, when flying over a road/parking lot or river, a good bump if ambient conditions would create that.

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Does anyone have a link so I can download this?
I have v0.6 of “z-bonanza-g36-improvement-project” is that the latest and correct one?

The G36 Improvement mod you refer to, and the Bonanza Turbo Mod that this thread is about, are two different mods.

The G36 Improvement mod is a mod for the normally aspirated default Bonanza.
It’s currently on version 0.61, and can be downloaded here:

The Bonanza Turbo Mod modifies the stock Bonanza making it turbo-aspirated, basically simulating the addition of the turbo conversions available in the aviation industry for real Bonanza G36 and A36.
It’s currently on version 3.0, and can be downloaded here:

The two mods cannot coexist, unless you follow the quite intricate procedure that you can read about here:


Thank you, Then I will try the Turbo :slight_smile:

I just fell in love! Thank you.

Yes, it’s a great mod. By Robert Young of RealAir Simulation’s fame.
And it works beautifully with the G1000 mod by WorkingTitle.

I recall having bumpy turbulence when flying through few/scattered clouds, and also remember flying in a rough circle pattern under some scattered/broken cumulus while troubleshooting transponder issues with Vatsim ATC and realizing I had accidentally gained a few hundred feet as if flying through a thermal.

These things could totally happen in real life too, and at least to me they seemed “in place”.

I am not sure if they model it “realistically” but at least those few occasions felt more or less something you could encounter in real life. Air is not totally smooth at low altitudes, so some random turbulence adds to the feeling. To model that completely accurately would be a monumental task and really beyond practical for not so much gain.


A custom checklist for this aircraft is now available on flightsim_dot_com:
“Checklist for Robert Young’s Turbo Bonanza V3”