Britten Norman Trislander (Study Level) AVAILABLE NOW

This is really good news, and will be buying this for sure.

Anyone know the most effective way of mapping three engines to a 6 lever TQ?

“Rear eng fail” :slight_smile:

Coming in the initial release :-

Hi Quality models including the 3 Blade Aurigny, Long nose, Short nose and Freight versions
Hi Resolution Cockpit with accurate dual circuit, dimmable gauge lighting, warning lamps and CBs
High fidelity Flight model accurate to the numbers
Fully modelled fuel system including transfer valves & Pumps
Fully modelled Electrical system including working circuit breakers and accurate loads / overloads
User definable Registration in 2 optional positions Fuselage or Rear Engine pod
Opening doors and baggage hatches
12++ Liveries Plus BBS House livery
And much more detail to follow


Depends on whether or not all engines behave identically or some have a little bit of “character.”

If they’re all identical I would do the two wing engines on one set of T/P/M and the tail engine on the other.

If they’re all a little different I would just buy a standalone Logitech Quadrant.

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I intend to just bind all 3 mixture levers to somewhere else - I can put 8 sliders together but unfortunately not 9! I guess if I really want my desk to look like some sort of control room I can get another Logi quadrant.


oh there are enough minor differences to make twiddling levers fun to get the out of synch drum drum drummm out of your ears :slight_smile:


Given that Anguilla Air Services is one of the very few actual Trislander operators in the world, can we pretty please get an AAS livery?


I believe the number of liveries at launch has been mentioned at “12++” - while I don’t think we’ve been told what those are yet, I would think a current operator of the Trislander has a great chance of making that list! :slight_smile:

Already done :slight_smile:

A quick rundown of “Already done”

G-JOEY (Aurigny Yellow / Smiley) 3 bladed props on 1 & 3
G-RLON ( Aurigny yellow / white) 3 bladed props on 1 & 3

The rest have 2 bladed props on all 3 and varied registration placement on Fuselage / Engine pod

— Long Nose
BLACK BOX Corporate Livery
Plain White
Britten Norman (Green / Brown ) Delivery paint 1970
Anguilla Air Servces
Great Barrier (Red Overall)
Blue Islands

— Short Nose
Plain White
LoganAir (Kerr Clan Tartan Uphostery) :slight_smile:
Great Barrier (Plain White)
Bush Pilots ( White Blue stipes )

— Cargo Conversion
Air Flamenco

OOPS Missed one - Air Seychelles (Long nose)


I’m hoping for some privately owned liveries. Also, I’m pumped that we can change the registration number, as then 3rd Party livery artists can offer unregistered liveries that we can register anywhere in the world.

And I’m hoping one day Black Box will update the Islander with the same feature! :grinning:

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The BN2 Islander will be getting this as part of the THE FULL “STUDY LEVEL” TREATMENT just as soon as we release Project Joey :slight_smile:

(PS … I do hope the moderators do not label this post as “OFF TOPIC” As they did when I happened to mention the Trislander on a Islander thread :astonished:


I’m curious to what the Black Box Corporate Livery looks like. I’m still hoping someone will do a blacked out livery like the BN2 has with the 007 one.

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I’ll do one when this little thing gets released, if there’s not one already done by the time I get around to it.


woo hoo! :smiley: :+1:


speaking of which…does anyone know if the BN3 ever has or even could do a St Barts RWY10 arrival? THAT might be fun to watch!!

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thanks for BPA G

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is it possible to get some more instrument cluster shake at power/building speed on the ground??

You mean BN2s have enough engine power to actually make things move? I thought they just made noise :stuck_out_tongue:


Kenneth will certainly enjoy one of those! :wink:


Will the study level BN-2 be a separate aircraft, a payware upgrade or a free upgrade?