Britten Norman Trislander (Study Level) AVAILABLE NOW

Yeah, it’s those interlocking paving stones you usually see in pedestrianised city centres :slight_smile:

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“The Fleet” …
courtesy of Kenneth Kerr :slight_smile:

(Please note- the Custom Registration numbers do Not show when used as Ai, But you can see the various location as white rectangles)


Wow! Talk about giving us livery choices! That is really cool that you guys aren’t just “releasing 2 liveries and maybe a paint kit.” :slight_smile:

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Not how BBS Work Latka :slight_smile:


Well, part one of the Trislander fit is done and waiting. New throttle setup complete (If it works straight out of the box) with the HC Bravo looking after one and three along with my old G940 HOTAS quadrant looking after number two.

If I take off backwards at 70 knots, I will let you know.


@KJKerr how’d you manage to get them all to spawn in like that, or is it a trade secret? :wink:

its some new Ai Control app …
Ken will be in bed right now but I am sure he will let us know what it is when he see’s the question

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Typical of Germany. Knew it when I saw it, and the aircraft reg confirms it.

When this does get released, there should be a MSFS Trislander fly-in at somewhere like Guernsey or Alderney.

There will be another livery to add in the future - Air Alderney should have a Trislander in Q4 of 2022. This means that IRL the Trislander will fly again in Europe!


No trade secret about the image. Here’s what I did.

I used “Flight Control Replay v4.5”. It is available from Simmarket for 15 euro I believe. My process was as follows.

  1. Spawn into the airport of your choice with the first livery you want to create as a static.
  2. Open Developer mode to make it easier to change aircraft when ready to do so.
  3. Taxi the aircraft and park it exactly where you want the static to appear.
  4. Turn off engines and set parking brake so there will be no movement.
  5. Launch Flight Control Replay (FCR)
  6. Click Record, and it will ask for a file name. I gave my first Trislander recording a simple name of T1.
  7. Allow it to record for about 30 seconds or so and stop recording.
  8. Play the recording, and your aircraft and livery will appear as a static because playback is looped. Since you did not move the aircraft during recording, there is nothing to tell you it is looping.
  9. Using dev mode aircraft selection, change to your next livery. Turn on the engines again, and taxi your new livery to your new position. Since the first “static” is visible, you can park where you want (in my case I arranged them all in rows). Park, shut off engine, and set parking brake again.
  10. Now this is the important step… Keep FCR running so that you first static still plays, and launch a second instance of FCR. You can have as many instances of FCR running as you need.
  11. In the second instance of FCR, do a new recording (named T2 in my case) and once again only record about 30 seconds worth to save file size. Then play it. You now have two statics, each showing the livery you recorded with.

You can repeat this as much as you need. When ready to do a third recording, launch a third instance of FCR and repeat with your new livery.

One point to note, since Sim Update 8 I have had poorer overall performance in MSFS, and with the Trislander being a VERY detailed model, by the time I had 18 static Trislanders, my frame rates had dropped to less than 15 which would be unusable to fly with, but fine for screenshots.

Anyway, that’s what I did. I also had fun adding a few of the Blackbox Bulldogs to RAF Lossiemouth, and then creating moving tracks to fly in formation with them… FCR is new to me (two days ago) so still experimenting.

Hope this helps.

  • Kenneth

This out yet? :smiley:


Not yet. You can carry on with your knitting for now :slight_smile:


(patiently sips coffee)

…'ow bout now?


How about now? :rofl:

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Darmack and Jalad on the ocean their wallets open :rofl:


Please stay on topic. Thank you!

Until something is done about the title of this thread there isn’t a topic really…


Here’s some tasty Trislander content to hold us over…

Oh…and how about now? :wink:


Much better!


Good Night Folks