[BUG LOGGED] No wind gusts for Live Weather, broken for both PC and Xbox

The latter is the case. We certainly don’t expect the wind to be steady at 23020G30KT. It doesn’t have to be extremely realistic, because if you try to do that, you end up with something exactly opposite of that.
The sim could handle some variations, like it’s in real life.
Even now the winds aren’t exactly like it’s reported in METAR and it’s not a problem, it’s expected. The gusts are definitely missing for an increased realism and immersion though.


Thanks for explaining the difference. I think I see what you’re talking about, now.

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It was not properly simulated either. Despite the gust speed you needed little to no corrections because the plane stayed on course somehow.

Yeah that’s true. I remember it felt like the plane somehow automatically corrected for the course change brought by the gust.

It feels much more realistic now with gusts activated in custom weather than it did at release though. Have you tested them? I think it’s an issue now again though after su7. Can’t set gust per minute lower than 4 now and i think the most realistic was between 1-3 :rage:

this is me landing with extreme gusts in custom weather after it got fixed in su 6. Much more challenging i would say. And looks more real too. Not the best landing though :rofl:


Yep, I’ve tried. Still something is not right. Even in your video the plane yaws weirdly.

Well it’s not perfect but it’s something :blush: Now it’s like flying on rails with some vertical bumps.

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Still not enough for me to ditch X-plane :pensive:
Maybe it will change if Phoenix A320 lives up to the hype. Will see.

For me the same issue…

I can’t set wind gusts per minute lower than 4 after simupdate 7 in the custom weather settings. I can’t understand why Asobo has to destroy working things after every update!


As of today I can’t even get the custom weather settings page to show up while flying. Can’t go above 24000ft, plane goes crazy above that, it was ok 2 days ago.

Agree, they need to test things better before releasing things.

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From what I’ve heard it looks like Earth has the Venus atmo now :joy::joy::joy:

Lol yeah, definitely some gusts in live weather, it’s just that they’re at FL240 and a little bit excessive (I’ve seen a jump to 600 knots crosswind).


I am really tired of their gamebreaking updates. I have been playing this sim for one year straight since release and the issues weren’t too much of a problem for me. But now they managed to actually make me lose interest. Haven’t touched the sim for a month now and probably won’t touch it again until SU8 or even later. I am so tired of hoping for a fix and then being disappointed.

I just can’t trust the developers anymore, maybe it takes another year until the weather is fixed or whatever.
Just my two cents.


I think the problem is that as soon as we think the sim is somewhat stable they will introduce new features that makes other things broken. We can’t never use the sim in a stable state because we do not have the option to go back to a stable version. It goes between stable–>broken–>stable–>broken version all the time since release. If they planning to have these many updates all the time they need to have the stable version all the time until the new version is stable. At that point they can remove the older stable version. And then have experimental version with dx12 and the new weather system that i think is complete broken now.


Sorry to say live weather wind gusts still seem totally missing in the current beta too

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That was to be expected. I hope we’ll see some change with SU8, as the thread is marked as “bug-logged.”

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Yeah I hope so too

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Yes, they mentioned that would only be bug fixing patch :slight_smile:

Exactly. That’s why I’ve got my fingers crossed.

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