[BUG LOGGED] No wind gusts for Live Weather, broken for both PC and Xbox

That should also be public beta for su8 right?

I don’t know, I think there’ll be no public beta for SU8… this public beta we’re in is because of several major breaking bugs that need to be sorted out as quickly as possible.

Come on, we’ve been waiting and hoping since when? I doubt they care about realism.


For me there were CBs where there should be thunderstorms, but zero lightning or thunders sounds not even once(a few versions back these were all over, now not even when they would be expected) . This was the destination METAR: METAR: SBEG 132200Z 03006KT 9999 TS FEW010 SCT020 FEW025CB 25/24 Q1008
So visually, looked correct, and very good, but no additional effects other than good looking scary clouds. Increased airspeed inside CB maybe ±5 knots, no or very light turbulence only. I could probably fly my real paraglider into the conditions currently depicted, and not even loose direction, which is incorrect to the extreme. Also no precipitation at all, anywhere around or inside these storms.
Volumetric lights also missing (VR) but that is another topic I guess…


Live weather down again for anyone? Getting clear skies in Sydney AU ?

Yep… Give this a vote as it’s been ongoing for 2 weeks+ now… (guess will not be fixed until January now)

Live weather now working, per that above schedule! At YMML, hoping the thundery wx is shown but last night in NSW it wasn’t. Seems went from too much lightning in any wx to zero!

Edit -

So the clouds appear thundery but alas no lightning or gusts


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Yes clouds are back in Sydney too just checked. So its a daily occurrence! right will vote

I really wish they’d finally fix the METAR gusts.
LOWI would be ridiculously challenging today. Variable, or direct crosswinds with gusts of up to 30 knots.
Windshear reported at all runways as well (they could implement that as well).


Can confirm, my bin was blown over this morning :smiley:

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I feel gusts never will be implemented again in the live-weather. To sad really.


They really need to get onto important things like weather and actual flight dynamics. How gusts can be missing in live weather this far after release is embarrassing. It’s a flight sim… all them videos before release talking about how good the weather is going to be. What do we have now?


This is so extremely disappointing, and I’m personally left out of words for a long time now. Nearly totally lost the will to fly in the sim for the past months. Just seeing an old post I did on May/21 , that’s 7 months old! very little if any has changed.

There is a serious issue when throwing the word “Weather” around… there are visual aspects and there are physical aspects. Communication from MSOBO is not always clear which part they are going to improve and when. Also, I personally feel many people are more concerned with the visual rather than the physical aspects.
Even if some of the visual aspects are being address, we are still left with a serious regression with the physical aspect… and again, regressions since SU4.
For those who believe gusts are working, as mentioned in this post before, lookup a gusty airport ( https://badbadweather.com/gust is really handy )
and see that even if the sim METAR reports gusts, the wind has little to no gusts.

So no real dangers or real-life challenges in the sim. The following can and must be improved:

  • No gusts
  • No variable veering winds - direction is constant
  • Turbulence and thermals are limited in vertical speed and not simulated properly.
  • Icing doesn’t effect the flight physics enough. Even if you pickup ice it won’t reach a dangerously condition as IRL.

The only challenge is not to overspeed or crash into a building, other than that you can fly a cessna into a CB without even bothering turning on the autopilot… what’s the point in flying if you can’t have some realistic challenges??

Only left is to hope we’ll get positive surprises in the next sim update.


I watched back a live Q&A recently where the dev was asked when wind gusts would be implemented and his reply was that the gusts are present and to experience then go fly in a mountain range or crank up the temperature in the sim… the fact they get turbulence completely mixed up with a wind gusts fills me with zero confidence this will be addressed any time soon.


Oh yeah, I recall that cringe moment… after we finally got the gusts topic into the q&a , that answer was an akward moment. But I believe Seb is really knowledgeable and that simply in the heat of things he just got confused. But that doesn’t really matter… it should been long ago observed as fudemental bug by multiple people. Moreover, they revived the gusts slider in the custom weather but zero changes for the live weather. That’s truly unexplainable…


I have a nagging suspicion that if wind gusts were implemented as the sim currently stands, it would mean losing control of the aircraft. When you see their implementation of icing, snow, lighting… they were all too strong / exaggerated when introduced and didn’t improve over a year. They tried to ‘tune’ them but seems now only snow is left in the sim (which is weak effect in my opinion but at least it exists I guess!) I haven’t seen lighting or experienced icing for months now and I am flying almost everyday. The improvements over the same time has been to night lighting, some aircraft systems and performance but with such a huge amount of people supposed to be working on it I was expecting too much I guess. It should improve, it just takes far longer than imagined.

There has to be something to cause gusts, they don’t happen everywhere like they do on the ground with buildings and topography causing wind to compress. Of course they should occur with weather fronts and thermal action but they haven’t implemented most of that yet and IMO it might be wiser to wait till they have.

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Fixed in the version for custom weather settings (according to the original title)