[BUG LOGGED] Tree draw distance reverted back to pre-SU5?

It is obvious that the WU6 has reduced the draw distance.
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The title has been updated with “bug logged”, so that’s promising.

Still looking forward for the vegetation distance to be decoupled from terrain LOD for extra performance.


It’s a shame - I have exactly what others screenshots depict - trees to approx 5NM and then a very definite cutoff in terms of visual fidelity.
I hope Asobo will fix this smartish as in all other respects the sim is amazing now. Quite staggering at times. Sweaty palms earlier today in the VL-3 on a windy crosswind final to a grass strip.

That’s immersion. Or on the other hand it could have just been my heart condition.


My tree lod seems unaffected, I can see trees almost up to the horizon, even from quite a high altitude.
Those of you having issues, please check your latitude, previously this issue was being caused because a bug at high latitudes.

LOD 300 !!! All ULTRA

It’s so noticeable, along with the reduced cloud quality it’s my biggest gripe (for the time being…)

I went for a Flight today, I can confirm it is broken again. You see the rendered trees forming a circle around you and popping as you go forward.


LOD 350… worst it’s ever been

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not to mention to downgrading lighting and the downgraded clouds and blurry textures much closer than they used to be.

Is this bug at high lattitudes still active? When was it raised, and has it been logged. Because I can tell you that I have been flying around the world and currently I am in the Nordic region and this problem definitly restarted with WU6.

Yes, it was recorded and “solved” by Asobo, the bug might be back, as far as I can tell the issue is not present in Spain, Japan, Morocco and France, which are the places I fly the most to.

Bug came back with WU6 and this thread was logged last week, so they should be aware that it’s back.

Add something, break something …lol

From Finland bush trip… Scenery draw distance is a joke! But FPS is high!


really hope this gets fixed soon

Do you mind sharing exactly how you do this? I’d like to give it a try!

Fiddeling around with the UserConfig? …at your own risk :grinning:

Search for LOD distance & UserConfig (Sorry,Im too lazy at the moment)

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Yeah, I’ve been reading up on Google. I think I won’t mess with these user config file settings. I don’t want to make matters worse, or potentially cause conflicts on subsequent updates and hot fixes.

i have raised it to 400 and 600, but in Finland where I am flying at the moment, it makes NO difference to the tree draw distance.

Yeah not much difference, not worth the performance drop
2.0 = 5nm
5.0 = 7.7nm

It used to be 15nm with 5.0 (and 10nm with 2.0).