[BUG LOGGED] Weird callsign

Anyone seen this callsign for th eAI aircraft. :rofl:

I’m in an Easyjet A320 and I’ve set “Easy” callsign and that works normally.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

I’m seeing this all over too…new since WU4. I’m wondering if something got messed up or if they setup some weird stuff to test ATC behavior behind the scenes. I’m seeing the FFFF… and I’m also seeing a lot of Generic AAL2373 instead of the accurate and previously working American 2373.

It’s not all of them so that is what makes me wonder if they did it on purpose to flag certain A/C or experiment with data fields for AI fixes to come.

Also getting more radio click-offs with nothing, more than usual.

Yes me too, atc wasn’t so bad (i am currently working on ai traffic) until the upate. Now I am getting strange atc calls just like you (FFFF… and many other strange call signs). Anybody knows better? Thanks.

Having the same here. Own callsign is OK, but AI callsigns have strange identifiers since WU4.

Hi All,

I’m sure it’s work behind the scenes, I’ve seen all those listed and also ATC_Test and AI_Sim

Hopefully this means something to come
How are you finding AI traffic ? I had to turn off before this last update because I was always getting a CTD, so been using Live

Would like to go back to AI if it’s ok now ?

Never used anything but Live, so I couldn’t tell you what the synthetic looks like. Assuming the Live is always going to be the best option until a full AI package comes out and requires choosing the generated set.

I wonder if there’s a problem with the Flight Aware data feed. Maybe the airline codes aren’t coming across correctly. I see sometimes a special character instead of a call sign spelled out, and sometimes the FFF stuff which could be jacked up data in a field. But then that doesn’t explain the “Generic AAL323” instead of American 323, so I dunno…maybe we’re right the first time.

Do u use simbrief?

Never seen that issue before myself, but one thing I will say is that’s a lot of ice buildup on the engines and wings… :wink:

I use simbrief and also fly without simbrief. Issue has nothing to do with that.

I did not say that the issue was related to simbrief. I just asked him if he uses it.

Have you raised a Zendesk call about this?

This AI reads EST very wierdly.

Yes it’s already been covered in ATC Bug After WU4. Please go vote there.

Hello everyone, thank you for your feedback. This bug has been acknowledged and logged by the team!


A post was merged into an existing topic: [BUG LOGGED] ATC bug after WU4

Fixed in Sim Update 4.