[BUG LOGGED] WU6 and night lighting broken

Yep not a word yet. Let’s see what happens later today.

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It’s 9pm in France, it won’t come today.

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I think the time at Microsoft is more important, and it’s exactly noon in Seattle.
Still seems doubtful it’ll come today though, this is later than the typical release time at least.

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If it doesn’t come tomorrow, it means the issue is more serious than just a little mistake that broke it.
At least we can expect some communication.

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It would be nice to have some more communication from them. I’m beginning to wonder that we are not hearing more because its not a simple fix.

I truly hope that isn’t the case.


I have the Same Problem on my series X

The next hotfix is targeted to release tomorrow, September 17th, at 8:00am PT. Once live, full patch notes will be posted.


It appears that night time lighting will not be part of the hotfix according to their development update.

Incorrect. I asked the same thing on the official thread and was told this:



I truly hope that is the case.

EDIT - Thanks for pointing the development update thread post out. :+1:

How to apply this workaround on xbox sx version?

This has already been answered. Patch comes out today.

Not sure if I already received the entire patch today. I get only 5.85 KB and it didn’t fixed the night lighting issue

[EDIT] I guess, this is the download loop fix

In any case, it says WU6 is updated :

It looks like it’s not yet on, so I have to wait a little more …

[EDIT] Now started, so 465.2 MB to download :slight_smile:

Additional 80.49 MB (527.68 MB on disk)


One additional :

All completed

The Night Lighting Issue seems fixed now

More obvious fixed result at LOWI RW08


Even more obviously fixed situation, here on LOWI


Thanks. It works perfect on Xbox SX. :ok_hand: