I am very new to this forum, but as far I could read there is some kind of voting system giving priorities to forum reported bugs. (The voters are the readers here, even new ones like me).
And when I read the most recent developer update from August 19th
and also count the 67 votes given this topic, then this issue would need at least two hundred (200) votes more to even appear on that list.
Right after the (invetigated) desktop crashed PC users frequently experience.
And still far of from issues like Horizon lines visible through mountains (ignored).
Furthermore, the roadmap tells us that the next update SU6 will be mid September.
The conclusion is up to you.
I can live with the workarounds so far (but, as I said, I am new here, no real pilot, just manged failing to get a PPC B license in my youth :-I) and I am very happy with the almost realistic view down to my favorite area, the Fraenkische Schweiz near Forchheim (EDQE).
I am playing with Hotas and Keyboard, though, the Hotas alone is definetly insufficient and using the controller as an additional menu control tool is suboptimal.
The Logitech K400+ I use also sports a toucscreen mouse, ideal for the menues.