Bush Trip POIs disappeared after first leg

Confirm the VFR routes still disappears in SU9 when exiting to the main menu.

Tested this in a new Austria Bush Trip.

Complete first leg,
To get/keep VFR route on map

  1. “Next”>“Continue”–> Wait for VFR map to show and display route
  2. THEN “ESC” > Exit to main menu, (Profile>Log book should show correct flight hours)

Reload the Bush Trip to fly the next leg
After flying the next leg, the previous leg’s flight hours are reset to zero
i.e. the entry LOWS-LOWZ 00:21:49 changes to LOWZ-LOWZ 00:00:00) but the VFR route loads.

• If you don’t exit to the Main Menu, but do several legs using “Next”>“Continue” they won’t be counted and only a single 00:00:00 hrs flight recorded in the logbook.

• “Next”>“Main Menu” - saves flight hours to log book but the route will be missing from the VFR Map for the rest of the Bush Trip.

This my logbook from flying the Austria Bush Trip, I tried to fly Legs 6 - 8 without exiting using “Continue”, but on reaching the end, none of the legs “counted”, I then switched to Exiting to the “Main Menu” and although I lost the VFR route from the map, the last 3 logbook entries were preserved and I completed the Trip.

This is an intermediate screen shot of my logbook while progressing through the Bush Trip.
Here Leg 4 has it’s correct Flight Hours, etc. before being overwritten when the next leg is flown/completed.

Additional Details

LOKI-LOWI with VFR route

LOKI-LOWI the modded NXi shows the GPS is still looking at a previous leg of the bush trip

LOKI-LOWI as the modded NXi is full featured, I could switch the GPS to the correct leg starting at LOKI

For completeness, here is a picture of the LOWI-LOIR leg without it’s VFR route (the modded NXi also is missing it’s flight plan)

With the completion of the last leg, all legs of the Austria Bush Trip are checked

And the Trip is shown as 100% complete

Version Info
• Steam MSFS 2020 version 1.25.7
• Reno Races Full
• World Updates excluding Australia and Spain
(as they add additional bush trips and I’m working towards the “Completionist Achievement”)
• Marketplace G1000 NXi 0.12.1
• Community Mod NXi-Bushtrips-Enabled v3.1
(WT-NXi-Bushtrips-Enabled » Microsoft Flight Simulator)
• Little Nav Map Ver 2.6.18