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Brief description of the issue:
Completing a bush trip without using VFR Back on Track does not unlock the associated achievement.
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Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
Start bus trip from beginning, do not use Back on Track feature (or close VFR from menu) complete each leg. I mostly used continue (versus return to menu) after each leg and noticed that none of my continued legs were recorded in the logbook. This may be relevant.
PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant:
Xbox Series X
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I’m not xbox but will try…
No issues with these, however Balkans did have a issue (but fixed now)
Search these, but looks like sometimes mods and if you do not exit to main menu after each leg, that leg flight time will not show in the My Logbook, only the last leg.
Bush Trip Menu:
Are you getting the leg complete check marks for each leg?
Are you getting the 100% complete for each one in the Bush Trips section?
Be sure you’re logged into xbox app when running msfs. Maybe log out and log back in.
It is these achievements that are not showing correct?
Play on Xbox console. Don’t have mods. Just the mandatory updates and a few free DLC packs that aren’t relevant to the 3 bush trips. I noted that on my last run (Balkans) my logbook did not record my “continued” legs, but I am not sure that the logbook entries are tied to the achievements. It’s certainly worth a try, but still broken if that it is the case.
I am getting completed legs checked off.
I have 100% on all 3 bush trips.
I am logged into Xbox console.
These achievements have been bugged since October, from what I understand. I have personally attempted all the 3 bush trips and done the Balkans one 4 times now. Prior to this most recent update, I did it without failing any leg and with each leg showing up in my logbook. My other attempts haven’t been quite so perfect, but I’ve completed them without using Back on Track, which is all that should be necessary.
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
Yes. Version
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Have run through all 3 Bush Trips ( Balkans, Patagonia and Nevada ) required for the achievement in continuous mode on the Xbox Series X without using any navigational assistance or crashing. VFR always remained open and never closed. All three instances did not produce any achievements
After running through the above, I ran through exactly the same bush trips on PC (version, re-starting on leg one for each and still had the same result of no achievements. These were done after all XSX version were completed making sure not to reset these by jumping on to another format.
Also with the PC version that when I completed each leg, I went to Next, Continue, and Main Menu as other posts I have seen mention about saving legs. Still no achievements for any of the Bush Trips.
Also noticed that there is no tracking for these achievements in the pilot profile in both PC and XSX versions.
After all of this I have tried to look for the roaming data to delete the current saved legs and start again, but i believe this is now stored on the cloud and non accessible.
Dev Mode has always been off.
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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
Yes. Also noted previous attempt at Bush Trip did not populate each leg in logbook. Attempted to re-fly entire bush trip in individual segments. Verified all legs complete and logged. Menu shows 100% completion - no achievement.
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There is an existing bug report that was erroneously marked as solved by either deleting a folder that no longer exists or by re-flying just the last leg. Re-flying the leg multiple times has not corrected the issue. I do not use Dev Mode, I am not using any mods, I do not use ANY assists. This issue exists across all platforms, not just XBOX.
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This is the first I’d heard of a bug since October. That would make sense in my case because I got the achievement for the Balkans trip when I completed it prior to that. I’ve been trying to get Nevada to complete since December with no luck. Haven’t even started Patagonia until this gets figured out. I don’t want to waste another 8 hours of flight time.
I re-attempted my Balkans trip on PC, selecting Return to Main Menu each time instead of Continue. However, this run wasn’t flawless, as I made a change to my flight stick settings before a middle leg and it didn’t work out and I lost control and crashed. I restated that leg and it bugged my logbook (don’t know if log book matters for achievement). Anyway, you can see in my logs -
The 11:14 flight should be LGSO → LGNX, but is showing as LDRI → LGNX.
Joined the forum to just say that the achievements broke for me too. Did Patagonia and Balkans bush trips, both without using Back on Track. Did Balkans all in one go without going back to menu, no achievement. Then did Patagonia, returning to menu after every leg, no achievement for that either. I was playing on Series X.
Won’t even bother doing the Nevada one until all three of these achievements are fixed, honestly. Them and Completionist are the last achievements I need in this game…
None of the bush trips are fixed. I’ve completed all bush trips except the Nevada bush trip and that one is bugged as well. I’m on leg 9/10 and the achievement says 0% complete. None of these have I used the back on track feature, so yeah they are still bugged on pc and Xbox. I use both either way none of them are unlocking.
Also completed the Nevada bush trip 3 times, have never enabled Dev Mode, positive no Back On Track used, all legs marked as completed, listed as 100% in the bush trip main menu. The Goldrush achievement NEVER popped on final landing. Very, very frustrating that this is still broken. Can you not create a patch that evaluates player’s progress in the bush trip section and applies the correct achievements? Balkans and Patagonia worked just fine and the achievements popped, so I don’t believe it’s me.
On a similar note, the Log Book is just plain broken. A total ■■■■shoot whether it counts a landing, even if smooth, even with ATC clearance and taxi to a parking spot. Can’t tell you how many times I have landed and not gotten credit in the log book, nor the landing count towards the landing at 500 different airports achievement. Just not registering. The numbers just don’t go up despite multiple landings in base MSFS planes.
This is very, vary basic stuff for any flight simulator, to log the flights correctly. What is the point of keeping a log book if we have no confidence in or control over the entries. This should be fixed immediately, before you go crazy adding all kinds of new features that most MSFS pilots may never see or use.
Please note that if you run a bush trip for an acheivement on xbox and then continue on the PC it will reset your progress. Also this will happen if playing on PC - Cloud - Xbox. Your chosen format to play needs to be the same all the way through.
I did most of them on pc completed them and none of the Achievements unlocked. I used the autopilot nav but I did not use the get on track feature. So the achievements are still bugged. I am currently doing the Nevada bush trip on pc and I’m on leg 9 the achievement progress still says 0% complete so…
Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
Yes. I did Balklans using continue most if not all of the way. I think only 2 legs were tracked in the logbook when I finished. Redid entire thing, everything logged but no achievement.
Completed the other 2 trips, no achievements.
Completionist achievement did unlock as normal.
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On second run at Balklans I exited the main menu and even closed the game entirely. Did not help. All bush trip flights were on Win. Aside from a quick weekly challenge, I’ve played exclusively on Win.
Definitely no use of “back on track”. I did use the Smartcam to help find my way. (I’m very much at the amateur end of the MSFS pilot scale!)
If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:
Any news/update on this issue? The bush trips have been bugged for over half a year now. Would have hoped it would have been fixed by now. Hopefully the devs won’t overlook it with the new game coming out.