By watching this fantastic video, you can improve the FPS in MSFS 2020 a lot!

This video is very concise and informative. You don’t need to set everything to high or ultra in msfs 2020. With many settings, there is no great or no difference at all between Medium and Ultra. This video shows which settings you need Ultra or Medium and you can bring your FPS up with a reasonable setting without investing in an expensive computer or graphic card.


This is a good video, thanks for sharing. I’ll keep this in my bookmarked list because I’m also doing some graphic settings optimisation to get an acceptable FPS while still making it look good.

I’m a bit in a disagreement with the Building Quality though, because the sim uses LOD technique for that building quality, similar to the objects and terrain LOD slider. If you’re looking at a building up close there is no noticeable difference. But if we’re looking at the comparison for distant buildings, there’s a huge difference there, where as soon as you increase the building quality, new buildings started to become visible in the distance.

So if you set it to low, while there’s not much difference on close up buildings, distant buildings will start to render in and render out depending on how close or how far your camera is.


Seems like I have already seen this video. Is this a repost ?

Yes its quite old now

Be aware that how each setting affects the game has altered over time. The settings that worked for me closer to release are not the same as they are now.

Here’s a tip for how to tweak your own system. Make sure you are running the game in Borderless Windowed mode so it’s easy to alt-tab in and out of the game. Start a flight and then hit F12 to pause the game. Then hit Win + Prnt Scrn keys together. This will put a screenshot in your MyDocuments/Pictures/Screenshots folder. Be careful not to touch anything that will move the camera view and hit Esc to bring up the menu screens. Now go and change a single graphics setting in the video options, return to game, and take another screenshot.
Now alt-tab and go and compare the two screenshots. If you are using the default Windows picture viewer, you can use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to move back and forth between the two images once you’ve opened one of them. They will look identical other than for anything altered by the graphics setting you changed.

That makes it super easy to see what actually changes. Many of the settings have nearly zero difference between Medium and Ultra but can dramatically affect frame rates. Terrain Mesh Density is a great example of this. You’ll see absolutely no difference at all between Medium and Ultra when changing that option most of the time because the terrain is usually covered in trees and buildings.

Knowing how each setting affects your particular system is important because it varies dramatically from one system to the next based on where your system is bottlenecking. Some options are more CPU than GPU dependent so what makes little difference on one rig can have a serious impact on another.

Videos like the one here are useful but you’ll never get the best performance out of your own machine unless you manually go through the various settings one by one and test them.

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Why does no one write text tutorials anymore? Video’s so hard to follow and use.

I know, I know. “Old man yells at cloud” :wink:


One of my pet peeves also.

But hey! Why write a couple of paragraphs with some illustrations which can be read in a minute and cross checked at a glance when you can bury at the important information in a 5 minute video full of filler…


This video would have been helpful if for instance, it was comparing the wave animations of low/medium/high , but they were still images! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Best method - forget what people show you and just experiment with the settings yourself.


There is a tutorial here. This is the one I follow:


I don’t think many could better this on a GT1030

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he is just plugging his channel more than likely

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Yeah, heard this before…

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