C152X Realism Mod

I think OAT doesn’t need battery to be ON.

So, the section

<UseTemplate Name=“Asobo_INSTRUMENT_Needle_OAT_Template”>
<!–previously dependent on master switch…–>

can stay in component <Component ID=“INSTRUMENTS”> but not in <Component ID=“INSTRUMENTS_Electrical”>

thank you for your work :+1:t2:

edit : i just realize that ANIM_NEVER_FAIL is supposed to do the same :wink:
(even if I prefer the change of section because it is not an electric instrument)

and the scale is not good. for having a good °C scale, value must be something like


°F cannot be good because the texture is wrong (the correspondence between °C et °F is not good)
Real one :


for example, 60°c should be on 140°F. And graduation are not very accurate, the space between both is not equal everywhere. This texture need a serious reworking.

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