C152X Realism Mod

One small issue with version 0.12 - the CDI needles come alive and center upon loading the aircraft, rather than when the battery is turned on. Thanks.

So far I have just tried to understand and utilise that capabilities and possibilities of the gauges that came in the default aircraft. I assume that you are referring to the short period of time when the aircraft is just being initialised when the CDI needles move for a second or two then move back to the center? I will see what is possible, but maybe this needle movement is just the initialising behaviour of the gauges that may be difficult or not possible to change.

Yes, when you load the default, the needles donā€™t move or initialize until you turn on battery power. With the mod they initialize and move as soon as the aircraft loads even without switching on the battery. Not a big deal otherwise but thought Iā€™d mention it.

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Thanks for that update. I will look into it, the default had a simplified older type electrical system definition. I have redone that using a more up to date arrangement. Maybe there is something in there that I can adjust.

It might just be me missing something really fundamental, but I canā€™t start the engine with this mod. Ctrl+e works, but no matter how I try with manual, I canā€™t get the engine to fire.

This looks pretty cool, thanks! Gonna try it tonight! Love the details about the electrical systems!

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Itā€™s not the mod. The default has the same issue - you need to hold the key to the start position rather than let it go.

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It works fine with the default, but not with the mod.

You rock brother, keep up the great work :metal:t2:

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Did you open the fuel valve on the floor?

Same here. Canā€™t manual start the v0.12 but cltrl-e works. I confirmed the floor fuel valve is open.

Have you tried holding the starter switch in the ā€˜Startā€™ position for a bit longer? It will crank but may not fire immediately.

This, the mod wonā€™t hold the ignition in the start position for you until the engine starts, you have to actually hold the key at start, itā€™s a nice touch.

Also for anyone like me who tends to forget about the fuel valve, change line 50 in the mod apron.flt file to read FuelValveOpen=True and it will be on by default for ramp starts.


It seems to be something to do with my Honeycomb yoke. I reverted to the default C152 and I can start it no problem after cranking for only 1 - 2 seconds using the physical yoke switch.

With the mod installed the magneto switch wonā€™t rotate from off using the mouse.

Using the rotary switch on the yoke I can see it move from off, R - L - both and then to start. I cranked for 20 - 30 seconds and RPM wouldnā€™t rise above 200. I unplugged the Honeycomb yoke and then I was able to start the v0.12 version of this mod using the mouse with no issue.

There is/was a known issue related to the Honeycomb yoke, which causes the heading bug to jump in 10 degree increments if you have anything bound to the starter switch. Perhaps this is another side effect of that bug.

Yes I think you may be correct there as Iā€™m also suffering from the 10 degree heading bug and OBS dial issue when I have the yoke connected. I really hope they fix this with the next patch although it wasnā€™t mentioned in the 09/03 update post.

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There are lots of useful configurable things in the .flt files. apron.flt of course being the one used for ramps starts. There is no problem altering these, but bear in mind that some of these settings may be necessary for the mod to work properly (and some may still need further adjustments in possible future updates of the mod).

The workaround is to remove all bindings from the starter switch. Iā€™m not sure if you need to unbind all buttons though. IIRC anything bound to buttons higher than 32 causes the bug to manifest.

Yeah the magneto switch is 31 - 35 and I tried removing those. It worked for awhile but the bug returned and Iā€™m not sure why. I remapped the yoke starter for now as I like the immersion it provides.

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amazing work. thanks for sharing. Would you knoe how to introduce or develop a DME gauge for this plane? its a shame this is no dme capable (but theres a dme morse ident knob on the radio) I do not know what the developer of this cessna was thinkg about.