C172 VOR radio/instruments not working on pc

Please tag your post with #pc and/or #xbox. pc

Are you on Steam or Microsoft Store version? Steam

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it? no

Brief description of the issue: The VOR radio in the C172 is not registering the VOR for the selected frequency. The instrument that indicates position relative to the VOR also just stays fully centered on the vertical and horizontal axes.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered: Update.

PC specs and/or peripheral set up of relevant:

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue: GOTY update.

This is for the steam cockpit version (not the G1000) version of the C172.

I just verified it is working for me on the Steam 172.

Are you in VLOC mode and not GPS?

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I had VLOC active and not GPS. I alternated between the two a few times to make sure. I’m on PC, using the steam version, with nothing in my community folder. Are you also on PC?

Yes I’m on PC as well. Is it the same VOR you are trying to use or have you tried multiple? Can you provide the airport / VOR?

I tried the BOS VOR and one of the ILS frequencies at KBOS. No read for either. I can try others. I was able to pick those up on the G1000 C172. Thanks.

You may have already found your way around this, but I’m picking up valid signals for BOS VOR, 112.7, and at least three of the ILS’s (110.3 for both 22L and 4R, and 111.3 for 27).
This is with the standard MSFS nav data, and the stock 172/steam guages.
I won’t post all the screenshots, since you may have already sorted this out, but if you need them, I will.
You mentioned having VLOC active, and not GPS, but have you pushed the GPS/NAV button right above VOR head 1 to the nav position?
Hope everything is working for you at this point.

Moderator Translation:
Please, when I tune in to the desired VOR, the abbreviation VOR is not visible on the radio. Also, the pointer to the raft does not move. Is it necessary to have Navigraph data installed? Previously, this worked.

Prosím, když naladím požadovaný VOR, není viditelná zkratka VOR na radiu. Také se nepohne ukazatel k vor. Je nutné mít nainstalované data Navigraph ? Dříve toto fungovalo.

Welcome… The forum language is english, please :slight_smile:

These topic was about the C172 SH ( steam cauge ). You mean that too ?

I tried NUB ( near EDDN ) : 115.75 and it works fine ( I tried manual VLOC and also quick test with DirectTo which shows then the ‘route’ on garmin )

I can’t find the cause, unfortunately, I tune the VOR but the name doesn’t show or VOR 1 VOR 2 doesn’t respond

please tell which VOR you try and may be a screenshot from your cockpit :slight_smile:

OKG CHEB 115,7 OKL 112,6 PRAG VOR Czechia

ok… so not the C172 SH , instead the normal G1000… I sit long time not within these, but let me check :slight_smile:

Nejde to v žádné cesne

did you mean that ?

Prosím používate data navigraph? Já je nemám k dispozici, snad to není chyba.

dont forget the forum lang english :wink:

115.7 will point also to OKG ( I forgot that in first picture )

with CDI

Děkuji, problem bude v programu FS u mne.

what was / is the problem ? :relaxed:

( I changed the picture with act cdi )