I was doing a flight, low altitude IFR from Texel (EHTX) to Rotterdam (EHRD), and everything was going fine till I reached the approach phase.
I selected the correct approach in the G1000, activated the approach, set my NAV1 frequency to 110.90 (which is the ILS for both runway 06 and 24 at EHRD) and even though I’m already lined up with Runway 06, it automatically picks the course for runway 24. And unfortunately, as soon as I set the NAV1 frequency to 110.90, the G1000 automatically locks the course to the wrong runway too, so I can’t manually change it to the correct course. (Which I think is wrong as well, I believe IRL you can change the course always).
Anyway, am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
Well, I don’t know, but the SU9 Beta release notes do have this item:
Changed the way we handle several ILS on the same frequency (better handling of opposite runways having the same ILS frequency)
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Oh, good, let’s hope it’s fixed on SU9 than.
Where did you get the NAV1 frequency? Having the same frequency for two ILS approaches is confusing which should be questioned. And it would be an MSFS bug if it uses the same frequency for both 6/24.
According to the Navigraph//Jeppeson chart for EKRD ILS RWY 06, the ILS frequency is 109.1, identifier ROS, course 056°. ILS RWY 24 frequency is 110.9, identifier RSV, course 236°.
BTW, each ILS only has one “course”. Some pilots using the old-school steam gauges will set the ILS course on the OBS as a reminder to themselves the heading they should be flying on the ILS. The “course” doesn’t change the CDI needle.
Nope. EHRD Rotterdam:
ILS Frequency for 06 is 109.10
ILS Frequency for 24 is 110.90
You should really have access to some Approach Plates which give you correct frequencies among other things and/or a moving map display that can double as an overlay - like Little Nav Map (it’s freeware). It’s not really a cheat given the proliferation of EFBs in cockpits these days that have Jeppensen charts available and can even do some PPIs.
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As a workaround if it gives you the opposite runway (6 instead of 24 or vice versa) you could do a backcourse approach on the G1000 (‘REV’ button.) This reverses the sense of the localizer so left right is correct on the instrument. No glideslope though.
Yeah true but exactly, no glideslope. Thanks for the suggestion though!
Oh I’ll have to give this a try than. I always use this website for frequencies, which does state a different frequency for EHRD:
Yeah, Little Nav Map is great because it’s reading directly from the Sim’s NavData. So it’s going to be accurate in that regard.
KBFI has the same frequency for both 14R and 32L (110.90). Sometimes the AP would automatically switch to APP mode because I’m close to 32L so I have to disconnect the APP mode and switch back to HDG mode until the display shows the correct identifier.
Yeah I did try that but even 2nm out the G1000 was still grabbing the wrong frequency.
I could make a remark about this being Boeing Field but I won’t…
Interesting how the nav radio works with respect to the identifier since an identifier can’t be entered directly. It must use the ILS heading being broadcast to determine the identifier. I wonder how the non-glass panel ILS would be tuned. I suppose the pilot would have to verify the Morse Code identifier correctly.
It is understandable the APP wouldn’t work correctly with the correct frequency and the wrong identifier.
I’m seeing a similar problem, but in this case I’m trying to land on the ILS 16 approach at KPWK which is a smaller airport to the northeast of O’Hare.
Problem I have is the PWK 16 ILS approach uses a frequency (109.75) that at one point long ago was used by the ORD 9C ILS. That frequency is out-of-date/incorrect in MSFS and is much farther away. However Both the G1000 and the steam-gauge Nav radios are identifying (and behaving) as if the ORD ILS is tuned rather than the much closer PWK ILS.
Not sure if I can go into a config file and remove or update the incorrect ORD ILS frequency manually. Thinking not, as it’s likely compiled into the KORD definition. It’s messing with my ability to land at PWK in IMC.
Can anyone else verify this behavior? I’ve tried removing all add-ons, but still see the problem.
Environment: Microsoft Store version. All updates applied. Did a clean install today. Empty Community folder. Running in regular mode, no developer, no addons.
Brief Description: When flying into KPWK using the ILS 16 frequency of 109.75 (either auto-set by the sim or manually set) which is the frequency shown on the in-sim world map and real-world accurate, the sim nav radios latch onto a more distant localizer at 09C/27C runway at KORD. Further, the more distant localizer at KORD 09C/27C localizer is incorrect. It should be 111.9 Mhz.
Repro steps: From the main menu World Map start a new flight with the C172 (either version) and set the arrival airport to KPWK, IFR Low-altitude, approach ILS 16. The “From” location will autopopulate with a location on final approach. Use this. Click Fly. Click Ready to Fly. Press pause. You should be about 5.5 nm from and aligned with the runway.
Switch CDI to Nav 1. Look at the avionics (GNS 530 or G1000). Nav1 will be tuned to 109.75 (correct) but show IOYG/KORD rather than the expected IPWK. It is not just mis-labeled, the localizer does track the IOYG localizer and not the closer IPWK localizer.
So, two issues/questions:
- Incorrect frequency for the KORD 09C/27C navaid.
- Radio locks on to the more distant navaid, not the one significantly closer.
Happy to make this its own top-level thread.
Picture shows what I see on the ILS16 approach at PWK.
Best thing you can do is vote at the other thread, and then open a Zendesk ticket. More tickets open, more likely something will be done with it. A new thread won’t increase visibility @Asobo.
You are correct the wrong ILS ID is displayed for KPWK ILS 16. This might be due to the overall problem with the missing KORD 09C/27C runways. Maybe the navigation radio database has the ILS for 09C/27C but the KORD scenery doesn’t have these runways. (Honestly, I don’t know how Real-Time Traffic can work for KORD when aircraft are arriving or departing RWY 09C/27C. Wandering off topic….)
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It appears this has been corrected in SU9. Saw the item in the release notes about incorrect selection when frequencies are reused. Although the example wasn’t a perfect match, flying the KPWK ILS16 approach the radio now picks up the correct station. Nice!
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