C208B Grand Caravan EX Mods General

There are Vars for this feature in Simconnect and FSUIPC but they seem not to do anything in MSFS.
Anyway beyond that, currently these buttons do not have a real function behind them. So even if there is a var, they will do just nothing.

Loving it! Start-up sequence working great now on the NXi.

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Thatā€™s also my experience. It must be aircraft specific unknow vars.

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I will see if I can figure out if this is possible for me to do

Hey @MagrainaOne thanks so much for your continued development of this mod. This is pretty much the only default aircraft I fly thanks to your efforts and the hard work of the Working Title crew.

I also want to plug the Hawaii airports developed by Northern Sky Studio (in the Marketplace or SimMarket). They pair really well with the C208 for flying some Mokulele routes realistically.

A couple questions about the 208 for those smarter than me:

  1. When I enable the YD, I notice the turn/skid indicator at the top of the PFD will still show uncoordinated flight. Is this prototypical behavior of a yaw damper? Should I still kick in rudder?

  2. The POH I have on hand is for a Grand Caravan EX with 867 SHP. Is that the most accurate POH for this mod?

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The example is you donā€™t do the shutdown correctly and however you leave the aircraft is how you find it the next time you load. Itā€™s how it would be IRL. So if you happen to leave the master on you come back to an aircraft that has been on between the 2 differences in time and likely a flat battery. There would need to be a way to recharge or replace the battery. Persistence is not only for switches but also the position of other controls such as fuel selectors, quadrant levers, etc.

While on the subject of the battery. It would also be good to get the GPU (ext pwr) bus and start features implemented at some point too.

  1. Use rudder trim during cruise. The yaw damper provides rudder control to avoid Dutch-roll oscillations and to coordinate turns when banking. Itā€™s not meant to take 100% of the rudder control from you. The gain could maybe be tuned to keep the plane coordinated at all times, but I donā€™t know if it should.

  2. Yes.


I havenā€™t been flying the Caravan in the sim much but I did a quick flight with the updated mod and have to say that the airplane is really starting to feel ā€œrightā€. Nice work!

I would add that Iā€™d love to see (well, hear) the deck skin fans when you turn on the battery. In the real airplane, once you turn the battery on, things get fairly loud - see the video I recorded below as an example. Also note the chirp at 9 seconds is when power is applied to the avionics bus, thatā€™d be cool to hear as well. I did some work with ambient sounds in P3D but havenā€™t looked at what MSFS offers so I admittedly have no idea if these can be added.

G1000 Caravan Battery on sounds:


Hi @PilotTrev, are the fans running continuously and at same speed, or only in case of high temperature inside the cockpit, then lowering speed in time ?

Wow how cool who has this Cessna 208 parking on his backyard? :smiley:
By the way what is this deep sound, gyro? Suction for gyro?

Itā€™s the fan sound, which we see, up on the flight deck, in the video

You wonā€™t hear the fans once the engine is going so it would only be prior to start or after engine shutdown. Would be good to simulate though for a more realistic cold and dark start.

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I like that! I havenā€™t done anything with sounds yet, but that would be cool.

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I really donā€™t know how to forget such things like that. But itā€™s like forgot the light on a car.
I would just use the save mechanism in the game to get use of this. So you are also been able to start at the point weā€™re you ended exactly.

The external power is maybe a easy thing.
I didnā€™t add such a feature cause I donā€™t know if that would be realistic :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Not sure what you mean by use the save.

The use of external power is absolutely realistic. The bus position is used to power the aircraft so saving the battery and the start position is obviously for starting. Many operators have an external power only start policy for first flight of the day and under certain conditions. A lower than specified battery voltage for instance. Starting on external power will be quicker and give less chance of a hot start and is recommended by many airframe manufacturers if available. I think the sim should follow suit.

Perhaps, ā€œsaveā€ is by mean the persistence youā€™ve requested initially ?

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Since this new version, I can no longer start the cessna in cold and dark. I may have missed something, but with this latest version, when starting I have the impression that the fuel no longer reaches the engine (the 2 tanks are however on). As soon as I turn off the starter , the engine stops. If I start it with ctrl + E, it works. If I put the previous version of the mod back, it works.

Any idea ?

Check out the fuel shut-off valve on the bottom (as described in the changelog)
Just below the console where the throttle, prop and condition lever is located.

In the new version, this is open, when you start in cold and dark.
I donā€™t really wanted to do that, but itā€™s the only way to get the condition leveler in cutoff position. This is a bug of the new implementation by Asobo.


I mean with ā€œsaveā€ the save function which is provided by the game, if your going to the escape menu.

Thatā€™s not what I meant.
For sure thatā€™s valid option to do so.
This is already possible.
Only thing what is not possible yet is that you can request a truck for external power supply.
And that is what Iā€™m referring to, when I ask if this is realistic for this type of aircraft?

Those fans run at a constant speed from battery on to battery off. Not knowing much about audio engineering in the sim, I guess weā€™d need the startup sound, the constant RPM sound, and the shutdown - so three audio files to mix. But, I have recordings of all of them if somebody wants to try and tackle it someday, let me know. :crossed_fingers: That sound plus the test warnings and beeps (which I donā€™t recall if the switches are actually operational in the sim) are on my ā€˜cold and dark realismā€™ wishlist for sure. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: y:

Pretty cool backyard play structure, eh? lol Actually, thatā€™s our old hangar location - it was tight to operate in as you can see. The taxiway leading to the hangar was barely wide enough for the 208ā€™s gear so it was always interesting since I didnā€™t want to get far off the centerline due to not much clearance with the nearby buildings.