C208B Grand Caravan EX Mods General

Yeah, I second making the idle “gate” a little smaller if you feel like tweaking a bit.

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Is the MOD working properly under the new beta? I see there were changes to the default’s deice system, did the change break the MOD or is still working? Would be nice to know before jumping into the SU9 beta.

That is awesome!!! Very cool.

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Has anyone been able to get the “minimums” callouts / voice alerts to work ?.
I believe it must be defined in the panel.xml for the aircraft.

I have not tested the mod with SU9 beta.

I decresed the throttle idle dead zone a tad. You can experiment yourself look at the file 208B_Grand_Caravan_EX_levers.xml file and look for <LEVER_DEAD_ZONE> tag. Magraina will be putting together the next release with all changes. I plan take a look to handle Repair ad refuel event. I need a free moment but shouldnt be too difficult to add.


Could you please calrify what is the issue with Fuel Shutoff valve ?

when I set the Valve to cut off and move the lever to beat or full the valve close automatically.

I am sorry, I do not see this behavior. Have you eliminated conflict with other mods ?

No other modes.
I’m using the Honeycomb Bravo. The Valve is on one switch, the Lever on an axis.

If you disconnect the Bravo altogether and operate the controls in the virtual cockpit does it work? If so you have a binding issue.

Strange, inside the Mod “C208 no Pod” it’s working.

Here are my current mappings:

Have you tried to untick the REVERSE AXIS

Jepp, no changes

Does anyone know how this mod works with SU9 Beta?

Gonna bump this thread with a question. How do I deactivate the flight director? I’ve got the NXI installed and updated but I can’t get rid of the FD command cue when no matter what combination of buttons I press.

Also, anyone actively developing this mod still? Does the main release still have the Gen Off bug?

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Should just be the FD button on the autopilot controller assuming the AP is already off.

Yeah weird. The light on the button turns off but the cue on the PDF never goes away. Maybe it’s related to a hardware binding for FD on/off…

Did you mentioned the yellow or the magenta part ?
If it’s the yellow part, it designate the aircraft itself and its attitude, on the PFD (Primary Flight Display), I don’t think we can remove it, which is by design in this flight simulator NXi (perhaps able in a real G1000, however to be confirmed by anyone).
The FD key removes only the Magenta flag, which is named “command bars”, from the PFD and deactivate the Flight Director (internal flight logic) in the same time, or the reverse if pressed a second time. Can’t be done in either way, in any case, if the AP is already engaged.

I’m pretty sure the yellow part, which represents the aircraft, cannot be removed even from the real G1000.