C208B Grand Caravan EX Mods General

LOL. Oh, so now we’re gatekeeping which planes people can fly based on how they operate it? :man_facepalming:

Last year I was curious, so I called the Textron turboprop division to talk to an engineer on the C208. I asked if it was possible to put the engine into beta while in flight. He thought about it for a little bit, looked some stuff up and said that was nothing preventing you from doing it in the airplane - but that in the real plane they obviously don’t recommend it.

Who cares how people fly. It’s a simulator and nobody is going to get hurt.

If you want to fly “as real as you can,” fine. Do that. Just don’t even imply that others should stop because they don’t enjoy the sim the same way you do.


I discovered that the alternator is on or off depends on starter switch… and there is no rule. Once alt is on when you put starter in “start” position, once is off. I have to switch it few times to turn alternator on.

People in here are working out the intricate details of the electrical system and don’t want to deal with a proper working throttle control?!? woah, hey - I’m sorry I didn’t have a good handle on where ease-of-use trumped reality here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

this is valid. would be harder to figure where the beta range starts if your axis movement is not large like on dedicated throttle quadrant hardware. It would also make the portion of their axis that is for power even smaller and thus harder to set to a certain level

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I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you completely forgot to factor in the gatekeeping aspect of the comment I was referring to.

I don’t care if you, or anyone else wants to make sure that things are simulated as closely as possible to the real thing. I think it’s cool, because it makes a better aircraft for all of us.

What I do care about, and will call out, is nonsensical gatekeeping. This simulator, everything that it encompasses, needs to be inclusive. There are sim pilots of all levels that enjoy these planes. Who cares HOW they fly them, whether they’re simulated to the correct orientation of the manufacturer’s name on the bolts, or if they’re deemed a “casual” plane. Are people having fun? THAT is the goal. Not people telling others what they can and can’t fly based on your viewpoint.


I think all of that is true and I agree with the thinking. However sometimes the aircraft can’t be two things at once.and I think this is when discussion over how it should be creates the inevitable disagreement. Someone asks for it to be made easier to fly then someone else responds saying leave it as it is or vice versa.

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Have you checked the latest on my fork ? I wrote that I fixed this problem there, and it will be part of the next release. Please confirm that it works for you.


On my trunk i put the first version which integrates the reverse throttle with throttle axis input. If anyone is able to test this version please provide feedback.

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I thought that was achieved by setting the “reverse thrust” button (on the Honeycomb Bravo it’s not a zone, but a button - you probably know that!) :slight_smile: Anyway, a while back I learned that If you set that to “Decrease Throttle” it works.

I’m not trying to be rude, just curious - can you explain what your mod does?

Up to now joystick thrust axis controlled forward thrust only and you had to use dedicated button to enable reverse thrust.
You didn’t have precise control on the reverse thrust, it had noticible delay, the input from twitchy joystick could prevent you from enabling reverse thrust at all and above all it was diffrent than in the real aircraft.
This is the experimental change whcih divides the joystick thrust axis into two regions. Lower 20% of the range controls reverse thrust, then you have a small range of idle area imitating idle detent and a typical range when you apply forward thrust.
Feel free to try it out.

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But with a turboprop you do engage reverse when you’re taxiing, whilst on tarmac/concrete anyway.

It’s rare in a turboprop to use the brakes, unless you need to turn sharper, or come to a complete stop.
Generally idle power gives forward thrust, and you pull it back into beta/reverse to slow down when needed.

The response time for this is almost instant. The sim can take 5-10 seconds to get you into forward thrust again.

I’ve not found how yet to reduce this time, although the Kodiak seems quicker.

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Oh COOL! Yes, I need to check that out. Thank you for your efforts. It’s people like you that really make this whole thing fun - like what are the 3rd party devs gonna come up with next? :slight_smile:

(edit) Hey @NewoPL, am I correct that your “fork” is off of the main C208 mod page on GitHub? I’m still trying to learn how all that works :slight_smile:

Here is the link
NewoPL/msfs2020-C208-Improvment-Mod: Cessna 208B Improvment-Mod for Microsoft Flight Simumlator 2020 (github.com)


was hoping to have tested this by now so just wanted to say thanks for this and I hope to check it out soon

which commands are here used? Looking for creating buttons inside the elgato streamdeck

I’m actually unsure if there is a key binding or event yet

After I start the AC I simply move the Start Switch to Motor then back to Middle Position…Simply do it on Start when Switch off the Starter just move to the Middle then to Motor then back to the Middle and Alt problem is resolved.



Have you tested the version on my github trunk? the fix is waiting there for a release.

I have a smaller question/wish.
The Fuel Shutoff Valve seem to be combined with the condition lever. Is this so correct? If not please fix.

Hey @NewoPL, thanks for contributing to the project! I just tested your version and can confirm the electrical issues appear resolved. I also enjoyed your throttle implementation–very cool!

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Finally able to test and I really liked it. Could even make the idle gap a bit smaller but maybe I’ll just do that tweak myself.

Noticed tho during startup N1 did not go past 51% (stays white doesn’t go green) and startup checks I got from the PoH says it should be at least 52%. I didn’t have time to go back and test the original mod but did not notice this on the previous flight I did