C208B Grand Caravan EX Mods General

it looks like FTSIM changes the same files in Cessna so it will stay incompatible with this mod.
Could you please tell me more about what is wrong with the cabin switch? I do not see any problems yet.

It’s a pitty with the sounds.
I’m using one of the seven switches from the Honeycomb Bravo. It uses (via simconect) the command “set cabin light” values 1=on and 0=off. I tried other similar commands without sucess In the previous version 2203.2.2, it’s working.

I made a small change that I think should fix the problem. Please let me know if CABING_LIGHTS_SET works for you now. As a workaround, you can use CABIN_LIGHT_ON and CABIN_LIGHTS_OFF events instead. I suspect there may be yet a similar problem with landing lights.

Future releases for flightsim.to will be found here:

As flightsim does not have a management function for multiple users, we decide to move the mod to this new places. So @NewoPL can work on it.

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Was nice to see a new version of the MOD but I had to go back to previous version the new version made the displays too dark to read and couldn’t brighten them any more, they were already @ 100%.

No issue here with 2212.1, using the proper dimming dial :

I went into PFD settings and brightness was both at Auto/100%, which is what it was set to in the previous version. Only way to get it back to normal (non-dim displays) was go back to previous version.

Something is wrong on your rig
I’m on 100% Auto, the same as you stated, without any issue
Checked also in manual, not much issue


My problem seems to be related the Avionics knob. On the new versions is all the way to the left(Dim) turning it to the right did brighten it to normal. In the previous versions I never had to touch the knob it was already at 100%(all the way to the right). Since in the previous versions I never had to mess with it, it hadn’t accorded to me to check it trying the new one. But all is working great again, chalk up another to operator error. :wink:

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so what do we need to do now to have full range of throttle control instead of only 100%/0%/full reverse ?

test this version:


the change will be in the next release.

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This version fixes all my problems,

Just wondering
 Is it a possibility to make simmilar thing like in a36 improvement mod, that all switchess are in the same possitions like when we leave it before closing last flight? I started flying with beechcraft and making checklist is more fun when for example you forgot switch off vents, and you discovered it when making before startup checlist.

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I like the new mod, even the cabin light switch is not longer animated.
Is there a way to implement the new sounds in to the FTSIM+ mod?

I do not see a problem with the switches. Please try to test it more. Try to look for potential conflicts with other mods.

Excuse my ignorance, but where is this “cabin switch” and “cabin lights” been talked about here? Thanks.

I did some further tests without any other mods, excluding spad.next

The command
CABIN-Light SET is working, but dosen’t toggle the virtual switch at the panel.

CABIN LIGHT ON dosen’t work
CABIN LIGHT OFF works, but without toggle the virtual switch at the panel.

Classic case of a BIO var being used. The sooner we have access to them the better. Should be able to fix that in a mod though.

same problem with the link you provided :slight_smile:

Does anybody know of a freight variant in the works?

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