Camera ctd 1.9.3

well its better that CTD.

darnit, also affected. guess my luck has run out (i’ve not really had issues till now)


is there any way to disable smartcam, it certainly seems to be related to it turning on randomly

Yes, all was well before the Japan patch. In addition to the camera craziness and crash I also lose all autopilot functions shortly into a flight. It doesn’t help to land, shut down everything and restart all the systems. I have to restart the flight. I’ve tried disabling all copilot help.

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In the video I posed above I have Smart Cam set to manual (meaning it should only activate by button press) as well in the video I show the control for Smart Cam is unset on all of my controllers.


Thank you. Your video illustrates the issue very well. i have set the settings according to what you have done and we will see.

Sadly the settings DON’T fix anything the video is to illustrate Smart Cam is activating when I have no controls TO activate it, and it’s also showing it ACTIVE while the switch is OFF and clicking it has mostly MISS reaction.

perhaps the settings reduce the odds of it happening? i have had a trouble free 15 min flight so far… i know that is not a long time.

Having this exact same issue. I started using OnAir just before the patch and figured it was an issue with that. Stopped using it and was still having the issue. Figured I’d drop by here to see if anyone else was having the problem and behold it’s the top thread. Anyone find any fixes yet?

This just happened to me over Tokyo. :frowning: SmartCam self-activates and crashes soon after.

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Anyone else getting Smartcam mode seemingly activate its self (despite it being set to manual in the game options using and holding down the S key) and getting a crash to desktop (CTD) shortly after the second time it self-activates?

For me there seams to be a high prevalence of occurrence in the southeast UK, and the coastline of France, Belgium (asumption) and the NL that effectively boarders the sea that the southeast UK dose often when I am flying back to the UK.


Omg the smart cam snapping is a real issue. No CTD’s from this problem alone however (even though after this last patch, CTD’s are happening more frequently on short finals). Also, even though I can turn it to manual for smart cam, I’m still fighting back for control over my cameras aggressively to no avail (no matter which view I’m in, cockpit, external, or otherwise). I’m assuming fixed cameras are safe, haven’t checked yet.

Edit: never mind, it seems if you fight the smart camera for to long, you’ll get a CTD. Thanks Asobo. Y’all are on a real streak.

Edit 2: it seems smart cam prioritizes airport POI’s. I noticed going into your Nav assists and turning off all the markers “sorta” helps, but despite being invisible, smart cam will still snap to where there is an airport POI marker. (Testing in KLAX for reference)

Edit 3: Crash #2 while fighting the KLAX airport POI marker near the Heavy gates at the west side of the main terminal. Might start going to different airports and see if they’re all doing it, or taxi around and see what else happens.

Edit 4: it seem fighting it while using ‘S’ on keyboard, or X on controller doesn’t help but is mostly how I end up with a CTD. sometimes rotating around between cockpit and external, opening the camera settings, and messing with the smart cam switch, wash-rinse-repeat, eventually will give you control back, but after 5-10 minutes the smart cam snaps back to the nearest POI.


Yes I can confirm this problem as well however for me the smart cam would activate seemingly whenever I pressed any button (for example clicking right mouse to look around would activate smart cam). The first hour of the flight was uneventful with everything operating normally. I was fiddling around with my flight plan in game when it occurred. I am Preparing a ticket For zendesk.

I had the same thing happen to me. In one instance the camera started to roll around, when I pressed CTRL+SPACE to reset the view, it reset looking at the pilot seat, and then it just started rolling again, the plane was uncontrollable and not long after it crashed to the ground.

I’m having the same problem, and then CTD

Guys, disable all your traffic. The smart cam is focusing on the traffic. It’s not ideal, but it’s better than a CTD. OP, could you add that as a quick fix?


I will pop it up as the solution.

@gago852 - If that does not work for you, or you find a better option feel free to mark something else as the solution.

Edit: Good call from @Cradle77 below. While I had a flight that seemed to mimic the suggestion, I have removed the ‘Solved’ badge. Perhaps the OP will consider altering their opening post to list turning of traffic as a possible work around.

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In my case the cam was pointing to the landing airport. So I don’t think that’s a solution and it might give Asobo the impression the bug doesn’t exist


Does someone tested if it also happens if you use trackir or an app like smooth track? Because then you don’t have to use freelook an your mouse. Maybe some kind of workaround?

Have the same problem here. my smartcam outsamrts me and knows whats best for me. if itis about to lose the argument it quits (CTD). Maybe a taste of the future, KI anyone?

Joke oc.

Try atm the Nagasaki/Tokyo flight without traffic and Azure (after 5 attemts with CTDs).

EDIT: ok could complete the flight. so far so good.

Looked into the “Ereignisanzeige” to see what cause the crashes, in 2 cases the failing module was ucrtbase.dll, netdll.dll. cant share it on zendesk atm because the login does not work :confused: . if these logs would help just aks.