I can find no way to save a flight as I could in MSFS 2020. Am I missing something? I sure am disappointed so far that I have to set up a new flight everytime I want to fly. If this feature is in MSFS 2024 please point me to it.
I am awaiting answer on this one before purchaseing . Surely Asobo must have included . Career mode would be useless without.
Check out this link which explains how to use the EFB and save a flight plan.
There are other useful links to the right which you may want to explore.
Happy flying!
can see how to save flight plan but not the flight. hope i am missing something does seem logical to be here.
Only the plan with the FSB.
need the whole flight basic day one feature on every bit of software . Well sale lost till feature exists .
it’s a deal breaker if you can’t save your flight mid-flight and come back to it later.
I’m waiting on this answer too since it’s my biggest disappointment with 2020 where we can save a flight but not the flight plan that was made for it. Hoping for a fix in 2020 or upgrade in 2024 before buying.
I definitely will not be buying if we still can’t save/load flights.
This has been an issue since 2020 came out. You’d think if they could do it, they would’ve done by now.
I’ll just dip in and out occasionally on Gamepass, no point trying longer flights if I can’t save.
I saved a flight plan using the EFB thing, the box that pops up suggests you should be able to save a flight as well, but I could only see the option to save a PLN.
Saved a plan and the loaded it up again from the EFB on the world map, but can’t see how to start a flight from there as the button is greyed out.
Close the EFB and the FLY button activates.
this is looking more promising
I’m sure it didn’t last night when I tried it. Will give it another go.
Just tried it again.
World map, open EFB, load flight plan, close EFB, start flight is still greyed out.
Try selecting a departing flight.
Does start flight activate?
I can select a departure airport then the start flight becomes available, but doesn’t that defeat the object of loading a flight plan, if you have to manually put yourself at the departure airport?
Mine does the same. Load EFB flight plan and no start flight.
I had not noticed because:
The EFB does not have a method to create or save the Flight Conditions or Time.
So, I always:
Select the Departing airport to match the saved EFB IFR flight
Set the Flight Conditions (month, day, and time)
Display the EFB
Then Load the IFR saved flight.
Send it to the ATC
Send it to the Avionics
Close the EFB
Start Flight
Everything to do with flight plans are in the EFB. I’m starting to like the EFB and the Navigraph integration into that tool.
Flying a bush plane across Canada…What! I can’t save my flight, they must put in save/load for me to get immerse in the game play. Hope they update.