Can Players Identify Landmarks?

I believe that I already know that the answer to this to this question is No.

It would be nice if players could mark landmarks in the app. For example, if you can identify a museum, or an amusement park, you should be able to submit it to Asobo. Then they approve it and then we can all see it as a landmark in the sim.

Is something like that already in place and I have missed it?

I donā€™t think it exists, but I also donā€™t think that Asobo would put much priority into something like that. They would be inundated with submissions like ā€œMy Dadā€™s Houseā€ and other such silliness. It would also end up completely clogging the World Map whenever POIā€™s are turned on, and even with the in-flight markers turned off, thereā€™s also a chance that all that extra data flow could hurt frames. Itā€™s a good idea in concept, but I donā€™t think itā€™s practical.

@tclayton2k, I see your point. Maybe they could create Categories for POIā€™S / Landmarks. Then in Options, you could choose which categories of POIā€™S you want to be able to see. That way the user controls how much bandwidth / clutter to show on the Map and in game.

One other thing to consider is, many (though not all) POIs are also handmade.

That being said, there are a couple of Wishlist items you may want to consider:

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Thanks @N316TS. Iā€™m glad to see that this has already been discussed. Iā€™m not thinking of using this to plan routes. I think it would just be nice to see where certain POIā€™S are in case you want to go check them out.

I also realize that Landmarks are mostly hand made 3D models, but I donā€™t care about that either. I know over time, we will get more of those.

No problem! Although that first wish mentioned waypoints, I think that the wish could be applied to the more general use case of simply seeing them in the sim.

I voted for both. The Categories wish needs more votes!

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One thing you can do if you want to visit a location is to first find it on Google Maps and then right-click it. The first line of the context menu is the coordinates in decimal format. Click that, and you get a notice that itā€™s copied to your clipboard. Now head into the sim and the World Map. Click in the search field at the left and hit Ctrl+V to paste in the coordinates. You can use this as an airborne start or add it into the middle of a point to point flight plan.

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Good to know. Thanks.

You could of course just add a custom waypoint to a supplementary mapping program like Little Navmap or Plan G (if it is there yet and out of beta for MSFS) and then off you go, with a more realistic and practical way of solving the problem.

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I am usually checking on Googl^w Bing Maps and Wikipedia whenever a specific landmark catches my attention - much more fun for me personally :slight_smile:

While I am not against the idea for a better POI system later down the road (more interaction possibilities, filter by categories etc.) it doesnā€˜t have much appeal to me currently (compared to other wishes).

And I have POIs deactivated anyway during flight.

That being said, there is a community fly-in event where the organiser took the effort to create custom POIs (with the FS SDK) specific to the ā€žBack in Time - World War IIā€œ theme!

That was nice indeed. So yes, there are definitively use cases for an extended POI system.

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What a cracking idea those historical tours are. I have done a few in FSX before, but in MSFS, it is brilliant.

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Iā€™m working on itā€¦semi-automated large-scale worldwide POIs. Small teaser:

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Now also towers, bridges, castles, war graves, battlefields, and with a handy prefix. Work in Progress.


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