It doesn’t seem possible to hold switches like a fuel pump or starter when using TrackIR. It’s as if the game requires you to keep looking at it to hold it. It should be possible to click on it and then look away as long as the mouse button is held down. That would be better.
The mouse cursor flickers and vanishes when I stop moving it, that’s probably what’s causing the problem here.
I can’t start the P-38 as is being done in this video, not able to hold the switches
Had the same issue tonight after the update with the PMDG 737-800. KILLED THE FLIGHT and restarted with no Track IR and it was fine. Hitting the sack now and will investigate another day.
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I can do that with my Tobii 5, with switches such as the starter. I can click & hold the starter switch, then look up at the engine itself, and the starter remains engaged until I let go of the mouse button.
Apparently that should work judging by the video. I think the problem doesn’t have to do with head tracking after all, it happens with TrackIR turned off as well.
This is a similar bug here. In my case though the pointer hides instantly making any command to hold switches impossible. The pointer also flickers oddly.
I think I tried that but it’s hard to tell what key command that is. The maker of that video said he’s using the Legacy control scheme. I haven’t tried that.
The P-38 will respond to the Magneto Start hotkey or even the Increase Magneto hotkey when advanced past the Both position and will go into a Start position (that’s not modeled into the cockpit, which is why it’s not visible).