Can we have the TBM 940 please


Wow. Just wow! :grinning:

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Feels like I just read an advertisement pamphlet got a TBM — all that was missing were the color photos :slight_smile: … interesting but a lot of information

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And only 4.5 bills (guess). Nice.

Here, we can get it for $89 bucks when someone makes it. Nicer.

Yes please. Because the autopilot of TBM930 was broken again, again and again.

[You want a lot to read …LOL

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Until they can fix G3000 to Working Title level, and coupled/de-coupled AP behavior , there’s really very little that the 940 will bring in terms of improvement. ESP would save someone from a JFK Jr. Death Spiral, but I’d settle for a working Blue Level button right now.

I’d love to see Autothrottle. For that matter, AT brings the much ballyhooed Garmin Safe Return system, where a pax can press a button and the plane will autonomously calculate fuel, weight, height, speed, current weather and make a determination which possible fields with the right length within range are available, contact ATC and send automated distress messages, fly there and land by itself, coming to stop as the emergency vehicles are pulling up to the runway.

Heck the start-up routine on a 940 beats the pants off any previous TBM. The throttle moves itself to flight idle, so you don’t need to guard it during the light-off.


Thanks – But I am good! Thanks :slight_smile:

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Ayotteted please don’t copy-paste articles from elsewhere into the forum. Provide a link instead.

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I’m a little surprised at the lack of third party aircraft not yet provided, or even updated to work in MSFS. I know, I know, this program is a beast to get a handle on!

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A lot of makers are still working on existing large population brands like P3D where there is still money to be made.

The SDK is still maturing as well. PMDG delaying their product plus Dino Catteneo’s comments on his roadmap reflect the better the SDK gets, the more likely things will heat up on delivering 3rd party planes.

Sorry … I just edited it

The new 940 is georgeous! Check out the panel is this plane.

TBM 940


I would like to see this too hut i believe the mod community will release a version of this aircraft before Asobo will.

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TBM 940, Yes please.

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When is the boss going to buy a TBM940 with auto throttle.
Will we see one?
Would be nice


lazy pilot you are ! :wink:

I don’t know why Daher put that in - other than marketing. It’s not like it’s easy to overspeed a TBM. Takeoff torque 98%, then back to 95% for climb. Maintain a pitch that keeps you under 250 until you pass 10,000’ ASL, then ease the nose down a little and pick up some speed. After you level off, reduce to 85-90% torque and let the speed settle where it will.


Sometimes…lol :yawning_face:

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I think they implemented that for the emergency autoland feature by Garmin. Could be wrong though…