Can we please get an official update on the FPS / stuttering bug

I guess everything is relative. having been on P3D for the last 6 months at 30 fps locked and no dynamic lighting, this sim at 30 fps is gorgeous !

Just a shame the camera system sux donkey nuts…and the Ai pilot can’t land a plane !!! :sunglasses:

Never seen a CPU core at 100 percent and is currently at 50 degrees, instead of the usual 70.

I guess the CRJ may be worse as will PMDG stuff… but that is a way away yet… and a 3080 is on my list.

Open Task Manager and expand your CPU view to view all logical processors. That 25-50% you’re reporting is overall CPU usage, and really means nothing. You have to look at what the individual threads are doing. I can bet you have one that’s riding at around 90%, another 3 or so at 30-ish, and the rest doing very little. That’s the normal state of MSFS. For me, that one thread is pegged at 100% all the time once the sim loads and never lets up.

Several other people have been reporting the same issue. And it’s not platform specific either as Asobo suggested in the Q&A. You see it on all generations of Ryzen and all Intel CPUs as well. But not everyone is seeing the issue.

Did you see my post re: DXGI dlls having issues comunicating with certain GPU drivers causing anomolous latency. Basically the whole system just pauses. CPU?GPU loads drop off and nothing much else happens.

I would consider the driver update.

I’ll give it a try this evening. It can’t hurt. But I’ve tried all previous 8 versions of the nVidia drivers from the oldest to newest (well, second newest now that the new one is released). I saw no perceivable difference from driver to driver. If there was any difference, it wasn’t reflected in my frame count nor CPU usage.

The UK update I do believe is the core of my current problems. I took a major hit with that one, and SU3 only compounded it.

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I agree. These problems reared their ugly head after the UK update. But, I spent most of that time flying around the UK, so I didn’t notice how bad things were around the world until after SU3.

I still haven’t been able to enjoy the UK update because even though I could get 20-30 fps anywhere else in the world after the UK update, flying anywhere near UK photogrammetry dropped me down to a single digit slide show.

That’s my thinking… The new DXGI draw method was implemented with that update. I cannot help but think there is a connection. Not a lot of driver DLLs out there that smoothly support pseudo fullscreen. They are loaded with support for either fullscreen or windowed but we are trying to gain all the advantages of fullscreen while reaping the benefits of the windows GPU scheduling. I’m thinking it should get its own name. Frankenstein Mode.


I always assumed it was because Aliens were already there back in 1969 and told us to come back and do a fake landing back on Earth :slightly_smiling_face:

Only kidding … I think :slightly_smiling_face:

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I get it … grateful for the explanation.

I noticed that immediately. Or at least, its effects. It actually made for much smoother and more consistent frame timing, even though I took a 15 fps performance hit. It may have been running at 30 fps and dropping to low 20s in busy areas, but the consistent frame times made if feel much smoother than the inconsistent frame times prior to the UK update.

The only exception for me was actually flying over the UK near PG areas and my performance would tank to a 5 fps slide show.

Rarely hitting 100. Going out of JFK to NYC and most around 30 and one around 70 to 95.

Nothing like the constant 100 in P3D on one core.

So I’m not having this issue. No idea why.

At dusk. GPU hits 99 and FPS drops to mid 20s …like London, but no maxing out of CPU cores… only hit low to mid 90s… usually lower.

It seems a lot of folks (likely the majority) aren’t having the issues. And contrary to Asobo’s suggestion that they found problems related to “certain hardware configurations”, people reporting these performance issues are using pretty much every conceivable CPU and GPU config built in the last 5 years. So it’s definitely not hardware specific.

Try starting a flight at 76T.

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It’s not the customer’s task to troubleshoot.

If anything they are more then invited to ask every individual with the issue the questions they want and I am sure they’ll get a good answer.

They are not interested, bc they simply don’t go out there and say: ‘OK you have the problem, this is what we need to know to understand the issue 1… 2… 3… etc’

That’s how it works, period

Or KGSO and probably thousands of other spots. @xGabe777x I can however fly the entire coast of France and Spain with no issues whatsoever. It is a weird bug for sure. Until it gets fixed I am sighseeing in France. LOL! :wink:

My sim has been working even better since the last update :man_shrugging:

Maybe it’s cause my PC is completely team Red lol, but seriously I have no idea, I come on here and see a bunch of people complaining about things, and I know first hand I do not experience these things… so my point is it’s a difficult issue to fix. Software development, especially for PC isn’t easy.

I feel it’s definitely good to submit tickets and voice your opinion but don’t bash the devs and the game, it’s a phenomenal piece of software and so much fun, we’ll have this for 10 plus years and it will only get better.

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Have you opened a Zendesk ticket? Have you started a bug post? In both those cases there is a template of specific questions provided so they can get the information they need.

Go scroll through the bug threads. Just have to look at the first post. The one where the OP deleted the template and started by saying “The last update broke the ______” (insert item here). No additional information.

It has been stated in the Q&A that a lot of the Zendesk reports are the same. None of the requested info provided.

You go to the doctor and they ask you a battery of questions. If you don’t answer those and just moan that something hurts, it is going to take a lot longer to get to the cause of your pain than it would have if you actively participated in the “troubleshooting”.

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Agreed, however perhaps they do not fully realise the scale of the problem and the frustration the community are feeling about this

But how does a update get released which breaks so many other things, someone has to give the ok to release it. I wonder what level of testing is going on. I am not not bashing the sim itself, it is/was amazing but the performance for me has halved since the last two updates

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On the contrary. I am convinced that they are hearing it loud and clear. Unfortunately we are not hearing THEIR frustration at the lack of useful information coming back to them. They WANT to fix the problem but can’t reproduce it.

Either the last Q&A or the one before, I forget, they talked about the weather bug (reset on second flight). They had spent hundreds of hours in house and had not been able to duplicate it. They heard from a user that was nearby that had the problem and they drove to his house so the could experience it.

Same as I said above. You can have 10000 different machines all testing the software to death. It all runs perfect. You release the update and now it is running on 100s of thousands of different setups. If 2% of those have a conflict that causes a problem. How do you find it?

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