Can we please get an official update on the FPS / stuttering bug

Well they acknowledged the problem so that is all we can hope for.
I mean look at other ‘certain titles’ which came out in december after a certain amount of years, the devs there are mum on almost all of the bugs.
Asobo is very vocal with the community I reckon. Even if the introduction of constant bugs is annoying, credit where credit is due!

That is not a scenery anomaly. The first pic is with BING map streaming set to OFF lol

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Aren’t you the expert. Wrong. The pilots experiencing pic 1 had cleared cache and all data on.
If pic 1 is with bing off, explain your theory as to the surrounding scenery being identical to pic 2?

You are right, after a closer look, it seems some of the terrain has BING and some is without it. Part of it must have loaded from the cash. The user did not clear the cash after the last update perhaps?


I gave up on this sim. What a joke. I’m back on P3D so I can fly the CRJ. It look like ■■■■ but at least I don’t get 3 FPS LOL

Enjoy yourself. Bye.

I like xplane but it’s way behind the guts of mSFS, fs2020 is immature but vastly more capable as they flesh it out and bug fix, you should probably do more research.

Actually it’s very possible to have that happen even with cache turned off. Something like that happened to me a few weeks back and the fix was on the servers.

I put a Zendesk in about 76T when I discovered it way over a week ago.


I had a major breakthrough: I noticed that new Nvidia drivers came out on 3/16-- yesterday, at the time of this writing-- so I booted into Windows, and installed them. I also realized that I was still using the old Ryzen power profile from something like 2016, so I flipped that to the standard Windows “Balanced” one.

I started up Flight Simulator, and instead of 22 FPS, I was getting 40, on the ground at the same airport. I still don’t think the game is running quite as fast as before, but it’s more than playable now, with three caveats:

  1. Any time I am near a large amount of trees, the framerate drops to very nearly single digits. Did Asobo crank the foliage way up at some point, or change how the ground detail settings work?

  2. Even though I haven’t run across it in my current flight, I doubt that the “major stuttering in certain areas” issue is resolved due to anything I did.

  3. Framerate in the cockpit is almost exactly 10 FPS lower-- think 38, versus 48-- than outside the plane. I don’t recall that being the case months ago, but perhaps it’s always been that way and I just didn’t notice.

Nonetheless, my major “this isn’t playable” concern involved my baseline framerate-- and one of those two alterations I made-- very latest Nvidia drivers, or the power profile switch-- made a huge difference.

I actually know a bit about graphics programming and how DirectX works.

I couldn’t agree more with what you said in the first part. But I also think there is a little more to it.
If so many people see this issue, they probably see it too, and have all they need to investigate.

About the half-baked patch, I also agree. I would prefer to have a fully tested and working patch. BUT ! I was involved in a major software change once. There was an issue that many people encountered. We searched for 13 hours straight to find the issue. This is when the decision was taken to roll-back to the last working version, find the issue, properly patch it, and re-release the update.

I don’t know if Asobo has anything like this in place, but they certainly should.


Oh how wrong you are. Developers will sure miss my thousands of dollars I was planning to spend on add ons as I wont be buying any more for this trash heap that gets 3 FPS

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You’d be surprised. You should read some of the bug reports. While you may not be personally affected, there are users with top tier 10900K and RTX3000 series who were getting 50+ with all Ultra settings fps before SU3 who are now sitting in the mid teens as their baseline fps while sitting on the apron cold and dark, while dipping into the single digits when actually start the plane and start moving. That is what I would consider to be genuinely unplayable.

I’m running what’s currently a mid-tier rig (2700X + RTX2080). I used to get 40+ fps. After the patch, I struggle to reach 20 fps. Not quite unplayable, but not very enjoyable of an experience.

Don’t dismiss other peoples’ experiences just because you’re not personally having an issue.


I want to remind you to start acting civil. Same goes to the other one person.

Unfortunetly no matter how you look at it, despite it’s issues, MSFS is superior to X-Plane in almost every aspect.

Interesting how I have 40FPS in CRJ-700 right now. Flying as we speak.

Interesting how I have 40FPS in CRJ-700 right now. Flying as we speak.

Interesting how aircrafts behave like filled with helium once airborne… Trying to land for eveeeeeeeer as we speak.


This was fixed.

I think the difference is support issues are assumed to be blocking somebodies usage of the game and are all looked at, where as voting simply helps with priority but could also potentially highlight new issues.

The bottom line is if you really feel you can’t play the game you should be raising a zendesk support ticket with as much information as possible as a minimum.

Keep the topic on-topic, not on each other.


Or a small minority who shout louder then the rest… :wink:

The problem with that statement is that I quite frankly don’t trust anybody :slight_smile:. All I know is how my system runs and MSFS is perfectly fine for me. I might have lost only 2-3 fps with the last patch but I’ve retweaked my settings and it’s all fine now.

Those poeple who flnd the sim unplayable I sympathize but struggle to understand. My brothers PC has a GTX 1070 and an older i9 and it can still run the sim smoothiy on an Oculus Rift. Performance is relative across other sim platforms and it’s decent on MSFS given what it’s producing no doubts about that.