Cannot advance in the flight training #1 lesson

Today I thought it’d be fun to fly the very first lesson.
I am stuck in the dialog “learn about camera modes and advanced controls”.
Jess stops talking and the dialog says this:
Translate Cockpit View Right.Left
Decrease, increase cockpit View height
translate cockpit view foward/backward

I’ve got no idea what I need to do here. I’ve panned around with the right mouse button and with the hat switch on the yoke, but the lesson seems stuck here.
Is this a known issue?


Check which controls you have bound to those items, as it will be hanging waiting for you to press those specific keys.

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I deleted all the training missions using the content manager and now the sim seems to think I never completed them.

There are camera controls which move the camera in a three dimensional space. It sounds like you have the hat switch moving the pilot’s ‘head’. You need to check the Controls Options to figure out what you have mapped to the translate view options. When you translate the view you are moving the position of the eyepoint of the camera, instead of just rotating the eyepoint of the camera.

I think the default on the keyboard are the Arrow Keys to translate left, right, up, down. To translate forward and backward the defaults are Left ALT + Up Arrow and Left ALT + Down Arrow, respectively.

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For all lessons, you must post the objectives and do what is noted.

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thank you KoBboyZ73 !!! I have been puzzled by why the training would randomly seem to lockup and it all boils down to what you said. I had to do pretty much exactly what it said to do in the objectives panel. Wouda thought !

You’re welcome.
I ran into the problem and had a hard time figuring out the need to display the goals.

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